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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by suprz_rz

  1. The lad who had the accident never registered it. It was ( I am lead to belive ) nothing too major structural just body panels, rads etc..
  2. Some of you might remember that I sold my soop to help fund the purchase of a buisness. The lad who bought my car then promptly destroyed it by wrapping it round a lamppost 2 days after buying it. Well some kind person took pity on her when he bought it from a scrappy and she is now looking pretty again. Check out the pics.
  3. http://www.topgear.com/content/timetoburn/sections/galleries/other/detroit_2007/03/ What you guys think?
  4. I used to have an omega 2.5 v6 auto, and as soon as you got to about 30mph she went quite well. Off the mark, you lose out, but bang it into sport mode and floor it. You might get 16's in it with a tail wind! Dont forget to do and auto launch though. Foot hard on the brake and gun the throttle. You'll kill the torque converter doing it, but its a vauxhall so who cares eh?
  5. Redex was originally made for carb engines. It is a cleaning agent that helped remove lead deposits. You only got it smoking if you used too much in your petrol. I used to use it in my moped as that always used to have a sticky jet. It probably does nothing in cars that run unleaded. Proper injector cleaner will do the job better if you think redex is cleaning your injectors, because it is obviously formulated to clean injectors. duhh!
  6. Recirculating dump valves make a multiple tsh.. tsh...tsh sound. More quieter than standard atmospheric dump valves though.
  7. My soop had a mines ecu. Rev limit lifted, speed restriction removed, mapped to 1.5 bar ( if your MAP sensor will go that far ). Dont know about injectors. Mine were standard (330cc ) I think. I was told I could go to 440cc no probs, but never got to try it before selling my car. HTH
  8. All latest software and plugins. Still not loading
  9. Dont get anything on the page. waiting for it to load, but still waiting 3 mins later. Bored now!
  10. Mazda 323 MKi 1.4SP Astra 1.3 MKii MR2 1.6 twincam Montego 1.6HL (sweet!) Rover coupe 1.6 Honda Beat (660cc 2 seater convertable, 0-60 8.5sec, Maxed out at 105mph, cornered like a go-cart) Omega 2.5CDX ( mile muncher ) Various lease cars including:- Freelander ( poo! ) Focus 2.0ghia Mondeo 2.0Tdci Mondeo 2.5 Supra TT Alfa 146 2.0Ti Once the business is running well, I have promised myself another supe.
  11. Yes, you can track day it, but obviously you will need to trailer it to and from the tracks. At least you get to drive it spose!
  12. Nice when blinged up, but in standard form, they look quite boring (apart from the gullwings of course) Bit old and dated now also. I remember seeing them 10 years ago and thinking wow! looks really cool, gullwings reminding me of Lamborghinis, but now, with so many ppl having lambo door conversions, it just looks like another jap hatch that someone has done a convo on!!. Stay away! no money in them. Now if you really want a gullwing car that is unbelivably rare, go for a Mazda AZ1. Dinky 660cc turbo engine. 2 seater mid-engine, RWD. I know of 3 in the uk, but they are so rare in Japan, I dont think any more have come over. Obviously not in the same league as a soop, however they are so rare they command a premium
  13. Never ever go to a main dealers for a service. every time I did, I used to mark up parts that they should replace( oil filter, tippex seal on the brake fluid cap etc.. ) took my car in for a service to Bicknells ( vauxhall ) when I had an astra, and they didnt replace a single item. I checked the oil on the dipstick, and it was still dirty. Promptly went back in showed them the evidence, asked them to explain why? and got their YTS numpty the sack!! Plus two free services to shut me up.
  14. I feel for you Gaz. I watched mine a month ago being driven off, and I had to fight back the tears as well. Then a few days later I found out the bloke who bought it wrapped it round a lampost. Gutted doesn't quite describe it. Count yourself lucky that all your car will have to put up with is a little ketchup spilled out of the new owners fat burger!!. Mine is rusting away in some scrapyard in Edinburgh!
  15. signed up last year. they hope to have the cards sent out by the summer as they now have enough people signed up.
  16. Need to find someone who would be prepared to straighten my TRD split rims. One "hard" edge has a slight knock on it, so should not be too badly damaged, but the other wheel has quite a bad knock on the "soft" inside edge. Can these be repaired?? I took it to one refurber guy,who said his press couldn't straighten them as they were too hard, however, after the enormous amount of time he took refurbing a set of wheels, I suspect that he did nothing and just fobbed me off.
  17. have a good trip. You will definately enjoy the mountain roads, just be careful and no raceing ferrari's
  18. Watch that you quote is not for a mk3 supra. Elephant and a few other online insurance ppl have the mk3 version showing up as a supra twin turbo. If you check the engine cc, you will see it is not the 2997 that the mk4 is it shows the 2970 that the mk3 is. Beware of stupidly cheap quotes like that. If you had to claim, they would not pay out.
  19. Hell yeah!!, for every 1000ft, you will lose about 0.1-0.2 bars worth of pressure depends how efficient your tubby is.
  20. Would have loved to come, but I might get lynched if I turn up in an Alfa !! No Soop = depression
  21. Your tubby will run out of puff on the mountain roads at altatude. Also Please make sure you have brand new brake pads fitted before your trip. I have driven along most of the roads you are talking about, as I have family in Italy. Genoa actually. Garda is great up the north side wen you are goin into the mountains, but be aware that you will not run full throttle up the mountain roads unless you want to take a fast downhill detour. Be careful !!
  22. I have only imported mine. If I ever have enough spare cash again, I will defo be doing it again. A couple of friends have used the same company to import their own cars All in all, I know 3 other people that have used them to bring in a total of 7 cars ( one mate got greedy and sold them as soon as importing them ) made a minimum of £1500 on each car. and got his last one for free! There are regulations about doing that no though, and you will get clobbered for income tax if you try to sell more than 2 cars per year if they are imports.
  23. Import the car yourself!! I did, and it saved a mint. I reckon about 2-3k saved Go to http://www.auto.co.jp Send an email asking to be put on their mailing list. When you get the auction sheets though and make your bid on the car, then the fun part starts. waiting to see if you bid enough, and if you did, then the anticipation of meeting your new car at the docks. You can get the car sent directly to Newcastle if you want. If you want a full run though of what you need to do, then send me a PM Trust me, it is not rocket science. If I can do it, anyone can. All I would say is if you were after a newer car ( less than 10 years old) then make sure that it is totally standard else you will have fun getting through the SVA.
  24. Sorry to say it, but thats roughly what mine went for. She should sell at that price, but if you can hold on longer, then I would if I were you.
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