Nice when blinged up, but in standard form, they look quite boring (apart from the gullwings of course)
Bit old and dated now also. I remember seeing them 10 years ago and thinking wow! looks really cool, gullwings reminding me of Lamborghinis, but now, with so many ppl having lambo door conversions, it just looks like another jap hatch that someone has done a convo on!!.
Stay away! no money in them.
Now if you really want a gullwing car that is unbelivably rare, go for a Mazda AZ1.
Dinky 660cc turbo engine. 2 seater mid-engine, RWD. I know of 3 in the uk, but they are so rare in Japan, I dont think any more have come over.
Obviously not in the same league as a soop, however they are so rare they command a premium