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Everything posted by jonshaw_uk

  1. i need a new mouse for my pc and been looking on the usual sites (ebuyer overclockers scan etc) ive seen this Saitek 1600 DPI Optical Gamers Mouse http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/Gaming_Mice.html are they any good - i like the idea of the tilt wheel and it doesn't seem too expensive anybody got one of these or could recommend another??
  2. which model is it maverik i got the microsoft media centre remote at the moment is the card compatible with it?
  3. cheers pixelfill i already got decoding software i thought hauppauge was the way to go so guess i will have to order it on monday is that usb thing the freecom one gaz?
  4. anybody got any recommendations for a tv capture card that i can use with my media station pc - its running windows media centre but i would like to be able to get the tv on it and be able to record to the hard drive using the microsoft remote
  5. i thought it was 1.5 m but couldn;t find anything on the web they aren't very heavy just long oh well i will give them a ring in the morning and find, thanks all
  6. does anybody know if parcel force have any restrictions on the size of a parcel that they will deliver. I tried ringing customer service but they are closed and there website is useless. I want to send a pair of side skirts which are boxed but they are quite long and dhl wont take them as its over 1.25 meters in length. thanks
  7. im after some advice please if anybody knows anything about sonar software does it have any problems being used on a pc that is on a network pc is win xp sp2 and the server is Win 2003 server. any help would be greatly appreciated
  8. they will stamp the mot (dvla) this is what happened to mine when i bought it - i then had to go to a dvla office to tax the car cos they couldnt do it at the local post office cos it was stamped try the dvla website for your nearest office - mine was in cardiff which is the nearest major city hope this helps
  9. has anybody bought this through steam yet? release date today 7pm and a bargain only cost me £15.56 looks an awesome game
  10. cheers ed found a copy of that in work in our mass of software cheers
  11. has anybody got any software they could recommend to convert pdf files in to word documents ive got software to create pdf files (distiller) but i need something that could be used to convert loads of manuals into word to edit text and pictures - they are about 400 pages other wise i would just use cut and paste cheers
  12. My dad needs a few large items transported over to his house in spain. I been trying to find a company on the net that does it but have had no luck. Does anybody know of any or could recommend any? cheers
  13. Hi all does anybody have a copy of the spain map for tom tom 5 that i could borrow for evaluation purposes please? Ive already got a copy of tom tom 5 but it doesnt have the spanish maps cheers
  14. im on COD2 but have just got battlefield 2 so only played a few times so my stats are bunk - i spray and pray that i hit someone - most of the time i dont
  15. my mate has just send me a pic but its in .dat format. Is there anyway of converting to a jpeg or something? The only copy of the file he has is this dat file.
  16. if you can wait till friday i will ask my dad - he fixes these for a living, cant ask him any sooner cos he is in spain on holiday
  17. i had to get rid of my supra and replaced it with a BMW 5 series E39 for practicality its awesome and comfort and ease of driving but its only a 2.5 so could do with a bit more umph, altough i am being swayed by the m3 evolution (e36) can be had for 6.5k 300bhp and only £700 full comp at 25 not bad
  18. not all houses in wales are cheap my dad bought his house at the right time - it had nearly 3/4 of an acre and a gargage that would take 8 cars and the house had 9 bedrooms - this was 10 years ago but got it for 50k. He then gutted the house making a nice sized 5 bedroom and knocked down the garage and built another house not so big - 3 bedrooms and loft conversion 2 with ensuites and a large bathroom and 1 garage for each house and sold them both recently for £285k for the 5 bedroom and £300k for the other not bad for 50k investments (and he had to sell his supra to fund the project, and years of building work - i will see if i can find some pics when i get home
  19. south wales still has some cheap houses, my bro just bought a large 3 bedroom terrace with nice sized back garden and a huge detached garage that will take 3 cars for £85k
  20. hi guys I m selling my 23" LCD tv -LG RZ23LZ20, Ive only had it for a few months but its hardly been used, and wasn't really big enough for the room it was in so bought a 30" instead. Pics of the tv are below. Its in mint condition and has hardly been used. It comes with all the leads, remote etc. I can supply an adjustable entending wall bracket along with it free if anybody wants to mount the tv in the wall. It has scart socket on and can be connected to a computer via vga connection. specs 23" Widescreen LCD Television Active Light Control Stereo speakers Progressive Cinema Scan Brightness 400cd Contrast Ratio 450:1 http://www.shasonic.co.uk/acatalog/HiFi_Care_LG_RZ23LZ20____999_99_341.html http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.shop4plasma.co.uk/images/1002951_zo%255B1%255D.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.shop4plasma.co.uk/index.php%3Fmain_page%3Dindex%26cPath%3D59_62&h=337&w=400&sz=50&tbnid=nSupsOno4bM_4M:&tbnh=101&tbnw=120&hl=en&start=13&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drz23lz20%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D I paid over £500 for it so im looking for £350 including postage and the wallbracket. if anybody is interested please let me know
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