Arrived at Thor early Saturday morn all ready to get my new AEM with WB & EGT Controllers fitted with an aire of excitiment looking forward to the Pod on Sunday.
Spent all day watching TV and reading all the mags Pete & Lindon had in stock and occasionally popping out to see how thing were going. All fitted and ready to roll (well dynotune anyway). Poor Pete spends the next 4-6 hours trying to get the car to run right. Managed to sort out the fuelling and got it spot on ... unfortunately it kept misfiring. Everytime he went over 1.2bar and tried to adjust the timing it either misfire with no Det or had Det and no misfire. Changed plugs to IK24's but still no better. Decided to drop it to 1.1bar and all was ok (got 438 at the hubs ... no bad I thought for 1.1).
So ... off the dyno for a spot of road testing ... wouldnt select relect reverse??? odd Pete thought. Looking at the laptop the car was showing a speed of 36mph stood still in the garage ... very odd. Turned that off so that we could get out but needed to be switched on so that the system would work. (Cant give a detailed technical description coz Im old and Im not that clever ... so bear with me).
Pete gose out on the road 5 minutes later back and saying its running like a pig. Keeps changing speed on it own with constant throttle pressure. By this time its got dark ... bin raining most the day and were all tired. Pete & Lindon from working on the car, me from getting up at 5.00am and stting on my arse . Poor Petes getting really choked off now, just cant get the ECU to run properly ... kept changing speed, saying the car was at 36mph when stood still, turning the TRC light, Engine management & Main warning lights on ... well strange. At this point Im thoroughly p*ssed off and depressed. Its dark, its raining, its cold and Im hungry and tired. So ... off comes the AEM and on goes a "faulty" one Pete had just to see if that would work .... guess what (yeah you got it right first time).
8.00PM and the bloody thing still wont work ... so I make the decision the put all the old stuff back on and at least have a drivable car. So the 2 lads get all the tools out, make all the necessary calls to loved ones to tell them they'll be late home, and get down to it. 9.00PM all finished and ready to go home .... thoroughly dissapointed and sick. Decided Im not in the mood for the Pod so go to my digs and drive home in the morning.
Pete and Lindon are concidering removing AEM from their list due to a number of problems they keep getting with them and the poor support they get. Im looking at saving a few more pennies and getting the Motec.
This thread is in no way a moan about Thor (who both did a good job refitting all my old stuff under tiring and stressful conditions, and who had just wasted a full day a work with no reward).
Appologies to Leett who had had sold the MAP Ecu to and have now refunded.
Thats the longest thread Ive ever posted. Feeling better now Im home and had a cup of tea