Whats the current method you use clear car windows of ice and why?
Remove most of the ice with a scraper, squirt on a little de-icer and then get in the car and put the defrost blower setting on full blast.
Any current problems people have with exisitng products they use? i.e. Scrapers etc...
Yes, I can never find the scraper I used last during the previous winter.
How long does it usually take you to clear your windows of ice?
5 mins
Does anyone use any different methods to normal? (i.e. different to scraping, deicer, cover, jug of water etc..)
Has anyone made any modifications to the equipment they currently use to improve it?
No modifications but recently I've been using an A4 size 4mm thick piece of plastic which removes the ice quicker.
How annoying on a scale of 1-5 is it to have to clear the ice off on cold mornings?
5 = Very Annoying 1 = Not bothered.