Blimey! This thread is blast from the past.
It's human nature that the bad experiences stick in our minds more than the good. It's also ironic that you're much more polite in a written and public form than you are in verbal form.
Let's clarify exactly what happened. At the time my car was suffering a misfire at high in the RPM when the single was on full boost. After speaking to number of people here - Ian C, Alex and Terry to name a few: the possible causes were coilpacks or sparkplugs. There could've been other possible causes - but those were the 2 causes at the top of the list. Coilpacks are pricey. Sparkplugs aren't. So, from a process of elimination - wanted to try the cheapest and quickest option first.
Halfords didn't have the type of NGK's that I needed. But seeing your garage is a fine tuning establishment - I figured you'd have the plugs in abundance. When I rang you up, you answered the phone in a very abrupt, curt and in your own unique way - offhand manner. It was not what you said - it was the way you said it. You gave me the impression straightaway of:
"Who's this idiot calling me up and wasting my time ?"
At this time I hadn't even told you want I wanted. When I did tell you that was after some plugs - you swore down the phone at me. That got my back up straight away. Then you did it again - when you put the phone on desk, without putting it on hold, to do a calcuation of the price of 6 x plugs inclusive of V.A.T:
"FFS!! Can't the stupid c@#t add up ?!?"
At which point, when you'd returned from your tantrum, tirade and rant, quite rightly I'd lost all interest - I hung up on you after you'd given me the price.
So, tell me Ralph if you don't deal in parts why didn't you just say so ? Why didn't you just say ?
"Sorry, I don't sell parts or consumables."
Indeed, it would seem that you don't actually sell parts/consumables as that is perhaps not your mainstream business. But according to your website - you do! Discounted Car parts
So, in actual fact - who's time were you wasting ? Yours ? Or Mine ?
Also, are all potential punters that call your playground up - a timewaster by default ? I would've quite happily paid for those plugs either in person or over the phone - if you hadn't have been such first class prat. If every punter is timewaster and you treat them in the same manner as you treated me - then I'm absolutely staggered you've come up with that turn-over figure. Infact, what I think of that figure is what I've just disposited in the karzee.
So, who's fault is it really ? Who's fault is it that if you search on Google - this thread pop's up as #2 in it's search ? You annoyed me that much - that 2 years ago - I decided to share my experience with my other fellow Supra owners. Who's fault is it that this thread has been dug up from 2 years ago - when you log on send me that pointless, inane drivel of a PM and bump the thread!
So, be honest, who's fault is it really that you've made yourself and your playschool yard look completely ludricious ?
Tell the truth now. It's okay, you can say it.
Finally, let me put forth a suggestion. Please as quickly and promptly as possible - sack yourself from answering phones, talking to customers, making customer's tea/coffee. Practically - anything to do with customers. Don't take any chances. Employ somebody more qualified to do the job. As obviously, PR doesn't exist in your skillset.
As far as recommendations about you're yard. You're not the only person to work in the trade. I don't - I work for Nokia. But I know quite afew people who do. And the horror-stories I've heard about you - are heresay and without concrete proof. So, I shan't be posting them up here. The legal card is sooo easy to throw - don't you think ? If I'm asked for recommendations for garages - I shall put forth based only on my personal experience.
In addition, don't bother sending me PMs. As I believe in a more public approach. Any PMs you send will get posted.
As far as I'm concerned. The matter was closed 2 years ago. But be a good chap, and feel free to bump the thread a few times.