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Everything posted by Manic

  1. That is interesting i've often wondered whether I would be the same. I sold my N/a month or so ago (miss it like buggery needed money) and was to get a TT in year or so but I did wonder about the chuckability of a auto TT compared to my manual N/a. Matt
  2. All you need is a big telly on a desk in a spare bedroom your PS2 a copy of GT3 (still waiting for NTSC version of GT4) and one of these Believe me if you sit 2 ft from screen not only does it melt your eyes but its frickin as much fun as you can have with your pants on( alright there maybe some other things but you know what I mean) Matt Oh by the way the dork on the seat is not compulsory
  3. Cheers Ed but my baby is up for sale now Thanks for 1st dibbs but not needed now. Think i'll give it a year or so then come back for some more automotive lovin Goodbye cruel world Matt
  4. Try this link to see best way of cleaning. Matt
  5. This is supposed to be good for Reds/Blacks Matt
  6. Manic

    Advice Please Guys

    What is it with you lot an your horsepower Come on and all have a group Matt
  7. Bens747 Sorry just wondered what kit that is on your Supra, its bloomin lovely(gimme gimme gimme ) I mean the full kit, front valence, sides, rear. I not really a fan of kits but that one hits the spot Matt
  8. Just one point, when I bought my Supra I unwittingly bought it with undersized wheels they were 7J all round where they should have been 7.5 or 8J front and 9.5 J rear(please correct me if J sizes arent exact) so when I came to purchase 'correct tyres' they would not fit on. This resulted in me having to buy a whole new set of wheels as well as tyres. Matt Oops sorry TDr didnt see your post I spoke to Ibrar Jaffar of Pro Alloys on this forum and he found a decent set of wheels tyres for a good price. There are quite a few chaps on here doing wheel n tyre combo's that are v helpful including Ibrar.
  9. Most people tend to use T Cut or similar to clean up the outside however if its the inside your talking about try a search on headlights to reveal methods for cleaning inside of lights Oh and nice Soop by the way Matt
  10. Manic

    Advice Please Guys

    You learn something every day. I assumed these 1000bhp or similar monsters were just modded(heavily) TT's. Are you saying you can get better results from an N/A? Matt
  11. Manic

    Top 100 cars

    Oops I did look at current threads
  12. Manic

    Top 100 cars

    Made it in at 25, in the top 100 cars, not bad. mind you that tosser who said it handles like a milk float needs a right good kicking. Matt
  13. Fuel Economy is not a 'concern' but if there is a VIABLE alternative which has no reflection on the all round experience of owning a sportscar, why not? Part of owning a car such as the Toyota Supra will obviously necessitate spending cash but all I am saying is, if I can own a car like a Supra and spend less money on what it runs on and more on what It looks like/sounds like/corners like etc etc etc can this be a bad thing?
  14. For the record, yes I have an old shite Golf that I am running to an from work while me soop is locked up nice 'n' warm in the garage for the winter:D Matt
  15. Who cares what they do or dont do.
  16. My post is really saying, IF you could drive your performance car with no detriment to that experience(or the long term health of your car) and it cost you the measly sum of 35p ish then wouldn't you do it, or would you rather pay 90 odd pence per litre and put your hard earned money into the governments pocket. I know what i would do IF it was viable. Matt
  17. I cant understand why each and every time someone posts questions about LPG all they get are negative responses. Surely if you can have your cake and eat it too its got to be a good thing. Maybe it wouldnt work with the Supra, but its worth the question, surely. If I could drive my Supra on fuel that costs, what is it 35p ish, then I would be freakin well happy. If I cant then so be it. Matt Thats my rant done and I feel better for it:innocent:
  18. Manic


    Hello, Im am going to garage the beast for 3 months is there anything I have to do if its going to be standing that long, and would it be advisable to give it a start every weekend or so. Matt
  19. Manic


    Phew at least im safe this week:p Now theres a good reason to start pigging out, must.......... get........... fatter.............................Chomp Chomp!!! Matt:D
  20. Scuse my ignorance but what kit is that, specifically the front and sides, look awsome!!! Matt
  21. Manic

    manual vs auto

    The Auto vs Manual(almost) always refers to power, what about general driving, having driven manuals mostly, when your flying up to a bend it just feels appropriate to change down for a lower gear and boot it when 3/4 round the bend. Can you get anything similar in a TT auto, do you just back off brake and kick down when almost round the bend??? It always just feels a little bit out of control without the benefit of a lower gear to bang it into.Oh and just pulling the stick into a lower gear in auto doesnt count as you cant increase revs like u can when dipping clutch. Matt
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