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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

SupraStar 3000

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Everything posted by SupraStar 3000

  1. thanks Gav and Marc, Its my Supra. Now Sold http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?t=226860 thanks.
  2. excuse me forum. Can you tell me please,.... How you you edit an item in the for sale section to sold on the title bar. thank you
  3. Steve. Good work on this Thank you. Could I request one small addition to my aerial though. A little white flag that I can put up when Jamesy and Matt fight
  4. Honestly,... there are some very sick individuals out there. Anyone heard of "crush fetish" In some cases, women in high heels stand on and kill small animals. ,... never underestimate the internet. Just around the corner is another sick and twisted individual, waiting for there chance to shock and surprise.
  5. Quality does matter. Thats why I never read anything I post.
  6. I bet they only have 3 of every wheel design.
  7. what happened Raven? Why did the bumper get damaged? Like Marc said, we all go through periods like this. I've had exactly the same with mine. Now, on the eve of someone coming over to buy my car i'm suddenly facing reality that my pride and joy is about to drive away never to been seen again,... and its a sicking feeling. Chin up buddy. Its a cracking looking car and NOT underpowered. I love my NA's engine, reliabilty and sound,... and own a TT too, so unbiased.
  8. sorry to hear that! Shame - it looked a cracking Supra.
  9. ohhh. Kinda wish I hadn't asked. Sorry
  10. Slight Hijack (she's ignoring me anyway ). What's Shark Finning Mr M? Is it like Sharking?
  11. Its hypocritical isn't it. Human nature - we favour the cute and furry animals but slaughter the tasty ones.
  12. And if she NOT brought to justice, what do you think she'll be doing in,.. say 5 yrs? Exactly the same to her kids or other peoples children. She's beyond help. Evil little bitch. I hate animal abuse,... would much rather see humans throwing other humans into a fast running river.
  13. Yes you bloody do. Further more young lady, any man would count themselves lucky to have you hovis posing for them. x
  14. 480 + 16 postage Outdoor4
  15. Bloody hell Mike. Whats up with you buddy. LOL David,...Believe it or not, but under fire, Mike can be a wonderful human being. All he needs is somebody throwing grenades at him 'til the end of his life.
  16. Hah hah, excellent 10 days turnaround apparently, as their order book are pretty full. and I bet the neighbours think I'm growing cannabis
  17. Reviews seem to be very good and I really like the idea of a cover thats not in contact with the car. When I get around to investing in some nice wheels I like the idea they'll be off the floor and away from moisture. and,.. If a personal space bubble is good enough for michael jackson, its good enough for my car. Thanks Jazz. As always, you've been most helpful on the PMs. Much appreciate mate. Hey, maybe we could have a mancoon bubble party
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