A quick dip into economic history of the post-war years will show that things have never been so good in recent times. I think there are a lot of young people on this board who know nothing else but the past 10 years, and think it's the norm.
It would do a lot of good if, before slagging the government, 'this country', immigrants etc etc etc they looked back and studied a bit of history. Maybe then they will realise how fortunate they actually are to be living with so much wealth and in so much security.
Until then, they won't know anything about the 3 million unemployed, the Miners Strike (any strike for that matter!), the 3 day week, the IRA, 18% interest rates, the Cold War, Gordon Lamont and Black Monday, skinheads & football hooligans etc. Also it may come as a shock that for a 20 something now to realise that to have a car anything like a Supra was absolutely unheard of, it still strikes me as unusual to this day.