You ARE a misogynist, and whatever religion you're into you make the Taliban look like Bhuddists! You said:
"whatever nonsence womens minds churn out when they have too much time on their hands."
"In times of old it was the Man that decided who his "mate" was, but due to the feminazi rights and the new attitude of women they now hold all the power."
"I usually have women approach me and enter dialogue. Ill have a nice time and swap numbers or "do the deed", but if in the course of the first few weeks they mention facebook I just drop them like a hat and "take the power back"(RATM) for the male's."
"But seriously, women should be thankful that I have let them into my life. They leave, they lose. I am just better off.
"Prostitutes are cheaper than longterm girlfriends/wives(cringe)"
"I need to find a good obiedient god fearing christian girl, but they are hard to come by now in the age of paris hilton and katie price."
"women have the control, and they play stupid games"
"Yes, there is nothing worse than being an Enabler of Uppity Women. We call them Woman Enablers, allowing them to do what they want to do, which is obviously how we got into this mess in the first place."
You're no Romeo are you?