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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by hogmaw

  1. The other day I saw D1SC J on a Ferrari and SLR 2 on a McLaren Merc, today I spotted more rare ones: 3D and IT 1 (ultimate reg for for computer nerd?) on a couple of chelsea tractors. There is a lot of money around these days.
  2. Quick question, if it straps you in like a harness, does that mean you can't lean forward like if you want to look ahead to see around parked cars, or into the back seat to get a map etc?
  3. No it wasn't Noel Edmonds and too thin for the hairy cornflake. He was 60 odd with all scraggy thinning grey hair and a beard.
  4. With no spolier, looks like a nice car, why sell?
  5. haha that's what everyone says!
  6. One was a gleaming red Ferrari 575M with an old codger at the wheel' He had a beard and he had a v. cool reg plate: D1SC J - anyone know who that could be? Also saw a black McClaren SLR with reg SLR 2. Never seen one in the flesh before. Don't like the look of 'em!
  7. Send me a pm if you need a friendly MOT garage
  8. Or you could find a friendly place that will do your MOT without cats?
  9. Mate it would be great if you did frequent this board! American members rarely post here, from what I have seen they almost all congregate on Supraforums. I reckon 90% of posts here are from UK based members, and 90% of Supraforums posts are from USA members. I just ask that we talk more about Supras, that's all
  10. Just my opinion lads. Personally I don't care for American cars much, and I thought some of the 'bring it on' type comments were a bit sycophantic, especially when directed at a guy who is new and will probably discover Supraforums soon and we will never hear of again. I know I am in the minority on this one, but I don't need to call anyone an 'idiot' to get my point across.
  11. No idiot mate, where did you get that idea from? I'm just someone who doesn't suck up to some bloke just cos he has some shiny cars. The internet is bursting at the seams with pics of nice cars and I don't see why our supra forum should be polluted with more of them.
  12. quite a lot of going on here for what are essentially stupid american muscle cars. Which aren't anything to do with supras btw
  13. I am stripping wallpaper.... now THAT is boring
  14. 1) Supragal (2) 2) Ahh Aristo (1) 3) Class One (1) 4) brettjones (1) 5) Edge(1) 6) Pig (1) 7) Andy T (1) 8) Charlotte (1) 9) MrHanky (2) 10) Jevansio (1) 11) Supra_Surj (1) 12) MarkTheBoy (1) 13) Pixelfill (1) 14) Terribleturner (1) 15) MrRalphMan (1) 16) Faye (1 17) Suprabass (1) 18) Lui (1) 19) hogmaw (1)
  15. Bring it to a meet I am sure someone will go over it for you. Nice car, nice unique colour too!
  16. Big power supra no contest. Bikes will be around forever, quality supras are getting harder to come by! Do it while you still can.
  17. I see more of all of the above than Supras.
  18. If they do discontinue them, surely they'll just replace them with something better? If that's the case then it's no problem!
  19. I wish my dad gave me a supra when I was 18. One of my mates was given a Vauxhall Viva and we were all so jealous. Times change eh. Make sure he knows how to drive, I mean properly drive, seriously, an 18 yo let loose in a supra can be dangerous for everyone!
  20. hogmaw


    Nice car, is that an import from USA?
  21. I saw this on the news, where kids with ASBO's are allowed free into the museum where they can see what punishment they would have had (usually death) if they had committed their crimes a few hundred years ago. The idea is meant to put them off whatever crime they may consider to commit in the future. Which is a load of bollocks. The best way to deter kids from crime, IMO, is to show them around current - not past - correctional facilities ie prison and detention centres. Once they see how shit it is to be inside, maybe then they will think twice. Similarly, if you want to quit smoking, just have a walk around the lung cancer ward of your local hospital.
  22. hogmaw

    Fluid changes

    Looks like it's time for brake and gearbox change then! THX
  23. I've never changed any fluids in my tt auto supra since I bought it apart from engine oil every 5000 miles or so, it's now done 60k miles so I am thinking will any other fluid changes be due soon? ie autobox, power steering, brake etc
  24. Looks nice. Can't see it lasting there will be soooo many people walking over it all night all day
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