Just letting you guys know that the rear quater lights come with the windows,They are fully encapsulated meaning the trim is non removable,The front windscreen trim is removeable but there is a possibilty of breaking the glass in the process as the trims are bonded in with the screen so once removed they need to be stuck back in using a polyurethane glue,Also because of the hardness of the trims they are better heated up and go in more smoothly,the back window trim should be alright to be removed from the screen by heating it up around it which should then give enough movment to remove it,Once the trim cools it will be back hard again so to put it back in the best thing to do is get a large plastic bag,Put a few large holes in it,Put the trim in the bag then close the end over a hair dryer and let it get warm in the bag for 5 minutes or so,If theres anything i missed then dont hesitate to ask!