Hey all,
So 3 weeks in and I’m loving the Supra experience so far. Managed to get a few interior things done to modernise the cabin a bit. That leads me onto a few queries I have about what I want to do next.
1) does anyone know whether there’s someone out there who can provide dash/cluster dial and lighting upgrades? I’ve found a company based in the US, but nothing so far for the UK. Mine’s still in KMH, and has the old lighting, so I’d love to get it changed to a cluster with MPH (even if it’s just the inner numbers) and have the full LED lighting upgrade.
2) although I love the look of the outside, it has an aftermarket bonnet, which is a bit too ‘2000s Japan’ for me as I prefer the OEM lines. Other than Whifbitz, has anyone any advice as to where I can get a new OEM bonnet? The one I have now is a genuine Varis, so might be worth something too. Any ideas what it could be worth?
Oh, and if you’re that way inclined, please feel free to give me a follow on Instagram @silversuprauk