Blimey how did I miss this.....Will be the first time I have actually looked forward to going to Pod.
1. Wez
2. Pig
3. JamieP
4. Bromy
5. Robbie
6. Daman
7. MPryde - if its running
8. Lui (Depending on dates)
9. supra matt
10. Class One
11. Lambertpig
12. Trig
13. Fish (depending on dates)
14. Feakins
15. Mas (dep on dates)
16. Paul Whiffin(depends if my car is back together)
18. Muffleman
19. Daston
20. Broomie
21. Silvershark44
22. MK47
23. MichaelH
24. fat_controller
25. Jezzy
26. Homer
27. Shilakadaddy (depending on dates)
28 .Andy Hannah(depending on dates)
29. Rich(depending on dates)
30. Stevie Boy
31. rush
32. letmeshowyou
33. spaxy(denpends on date)
34. Shane
35. Mikeyb10supra
36. Lee Perryman (depending on dates, car is still in bits)
37. Beefweasal (depending if an aristo is allowed)
38. SupraStar 3000 (Just watchin)
39. DIBBLEYUK i will be comming
40. iain2010 (depending on date)
41. Glosphil (depending on dates and car not being in shop)
42. Ark (Depending on date)
43. Daston
44. Jamil
45. Bobbeh
46. m45sey (depending if i can get time off work)
47. S7EVE (depending on dates)
48. supRo (If my rear bumper is sorted and i haven't sold the car)
49. Markymark( not sure to race or not)
50. Leonv Black Supra Depend on date
51. Leonv White Supra Depend on date
52. Paul_y3k
53. GazzaGSi
54. tooquicktostop
55. MrHanky (Depending on date)
56. Supragold (Depending on date)
57. Nothingbetta (depending on date)
58. dr_blackman (Depending on date aswell)
59.Captainchaos (Depending on date also)
60. TerribleTurner
61. Edd_t (depending on date)(how comes i was number 40 now im not! lol)
62. Stonkin
63. Aeropete
64. Gadget
65. Peter Sharp
66. Marktheboy
67. tDR
68. hadyn
69. Belly (dependeng on date)
70. Lucas
71. Pablo22 - Depends on dates though, and I will be travelling with Lucas, as I don't have a supra! (Spectator)
72. Envy
73. Smiler6310 (Depending on the dates)
74. Ian R (again)
75. Jay_NW
76. mr lover
77. juanchan
78. DownImpact (dependent on date)
79. Mike B
80. DjEdge
82. Rik
83. Spyderman
84. vvteye
85. JohnK (if car is ready) Friend wants to come to spectate in their own car.
86. dannyspeed
87. Silversoop
88. Maxaerott
89. TheChin (If running properly!)
90. Henk (Hen4732) - Will only have had the car for 1 week!
91. Pete
92. Voo51 and MR_B depending on dates
93. Sean1933 with spectator
94. MrAngry
95. Bammbamm
96. Pistonbroke
97. Supra_Surj
98. Tourniquet
99. Justin