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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by Justin

  1. The street legal ones I use are at the top of this web page - http://www.mickeythompsontires.com/strip.php?item=ETStreetRadial
  2. Ah somebody remembered. So it was worth going all that way to hammer my car at top speed and revs then drive home again. Not going to pay £100 plus an extra £300 for the tyres we're being forced to wear nope. If my MT's are good enough to be MOT'd they should be allowed in an event like this. CORRECTION: Sorry to TOTB et all I have been put straight. My MT tyres are fine so I'm running. Just going down to M&S to get some humble and apricot pie with cream
  3. Does anyone know who put in the best street legal Supra times and speeds from last years TOTB from our club?
  4. Got queued up ready to race, third from start line at 8.55am. Drag tyres on, race fuel in, camera in cabin ready to shoot. 8.56 it starts to rain and now I'm home at 13.36 Barst!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Was going to run but looks like solid rain all day on the BBC weather radar
  6. Ah I hoped those guys would. Cheers. Will get in touch with Greg.
  7. Anyone know who can make me a polished pipe to go from my Blitz FMIC to the intake including a Blitz BOV welded boss? I can take off my current pipe to offer as a size template. It has two injectors mounted in it that I don't want. Cheers J
  8. No paint needed but there is a black rubber grommit where there used to be a parking sensor. I'll get a pic up soon.
  9. It's in ok condition not A1 mint but not aweful.
  10. Will search traders later but if any of you guys are fishing these threads feel free to point me at your products. I have a Derale one but it keeps leaking from somewhere that I can't find so it's easier for me just to replace. The fan is ok but I doubt will be compatible with other makes? Any of you guys got a good quality cooler? I need really fast delivery as the Supe is off the road because of this and is affecting my overall enjoyment. Justin
  11. I have one doing nothing in my garage. £45 plus shipping or collect?
  12. I can do it again. Not sure about forking out £100 though. Maybe have to sell some advertising space on the bonnet/doors for tuners/traders stickers? 11.7 and was fastest timed 1 mile for our club last TOTB I fink.
  13. VIL that is so funny mate. I have been toying with the idea too for ages but have been reluctant for the potential naffness. I even went so far as to design texture maps and stick them on a 3D model of a Supra. Was looking ok. I'll try and dig it out.
  14. Nooooooooooooooo not 21st April! Please I'm in Vegas working then and believe it or not I'd rather be at Pod with me Supe. Last Jap show I couldn't make it as was getting married on that day this ain't right!!!
  15. Blimey how did I miss this.....Will be the first time I have actually looked forward to going to Pod. 1. Wez 2. Pig 3. JamieP 4. Bromy 5. Robbie 6. Daman 7. MPryde - if its running 8. Lui (Depending on dates) 9. supra matt 10. Class One 11. Lambertpig 12. Trig 13. Fish (depending on dates) 14. Feakins 15. Mas (dep on dates) 16. Paul Whiffin(depends if my car is back together) 17. ABSXXX 18. Muffleman 19. Daston 20. Broomie 21. Silvershark44 22. MK47 23. MichaelH 24. fat_controller 25. Jezzy 26. Homer 27. Shilakadaddy (depending on dates) 28 .Andy Hannah(depending on dates) 29. Rich(depending on dates) 30. Stevie Boy 31. rush 32. letmeshowyou 33. spaxy(denpends on date) 34. Shane 35. Mikeyb10supra 36. Lee Perryman (depending on dates, car is still in bits) 37. Beefweasal (depending if an aristo is allowed) 38. SupraStar 3000 (Just watchin) 39. DIBBLEYUK i will be comming 40. iain2010 (depending on date) 41. Glosphil (depending on dates and car not being in shop) 42. Ark (Depending on date) 43. Daston 44. Jamil 45. Bobbeh 46. m45sey (depending if i can get time off work) 47. S7EVE (depending on dates) 48. supRo (If my rear bumper is sorted and i haven't sold the car) 49. Markymark( not sure to race or not) 50. Leonv Black Supra Depend on date 51. Leonv White Supra Depend on date 52. Paul_y3k 53. GazzaGSi 54. tooquicktostop 55. MrHanky (Depending on date) 56. Supragold (Depending on date) 57. Nothingbetta (depending on date) 58. dr_blackman (Depending on date aswell) 59.Captainchaos (Depending on date also) 60. TerribleTurner 61. Edd_t (depending on date)(how comes i was number 40 now im not! lol) 62. Stonkin 63. Aeropete 64. Gadget 65. Peter Sharp 66. Marktheboy 67. tDR 68. hadyn 69. Belly (dependeng on date) 70. Lucas 71. Pablo22 - Depends on dates though, and I will be travelling with Lucas, as I don't have a supra! (Spectator) 72. Envy 73. Smiler6310 (Depending on the dates) 74. Ian R (again) 75. Jay_NW 76. mr lover 77. juanchan 78. DownImpact (dependent on date) 79. Mike B 80. DjEdge 82. Rik 83. Spyderman 84. vvteye 85. JohnK (if car is ready) Friend wants to come to spectate in their own car. 86. dannyspeed 87. Silversoop 88. Maxaerott 89. TheChin (If running properly!) 90. Henk (Hen4732) - Will only have had the car for 1 week! 91. Pete 92. Voo51 and MR_B depending on dates 93. Sean1933 with spectator 94. MrAngry 95. Bammbamm 96. Pistonbroke 97. Supra_Surj 98. Tourniquet 99. Justin
  16. Great Paul. Sorry that wasn't spot on. How about 'Dial Dude' ? Look forward to it. Cheers Justin
  17. Any news on this knob master?
  18. Phew nice one mate. Can you tell us now what security you had on it or not so that we can all stop worrying that our expensive bits are worthless?
  19. Justin

    Totb Dvd

    Got mine too. Quite nicely put together and a good DVD but my best run beating that Porker was cut as was all of the Supes top speed runs bugger.
  20. Cool, not far from me. Lancaster bomber?
  21. What is this place with 1,000,000 cars on the runways 5 miles from Santa Pod???? 52°13'47.31"N, 0°28'15.28"W Perhaps they are all the Evo's that have been nicked from Pod his year ready to go to Dubai
  22. No worries mate good to know. Can wait.
  23. Paul any idea when you will be taking this latest order and needing payment? Cheers Justin
  24. With a manual knob you'll be handling it a lot more mate so lets hope your new knob can handle you bashing it around even more than your old knob could.
  25. Justin

    Totb Dvd

    So where is this bloody thing?
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