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Everything posted by Justin

  1. Sounds like a good compromise. Very tempted to go 6speed manual though just can't afford that plus an uprated clutch at the mo. I've got cooler space issues though. Under the passenger headlight is my engine oil cooler and under the driver headlight is my blitz SUS and derale tranny cooler. Ditching the AC rad sounds like a goodun. Cheers for the input all.
  2. Can a stock manual box handle 520+bhp? Yes with fan but I'm not convinced it is getting all the air it could.
  3. Is there anything suitable I can use? I just did a track day and, whilst having great speed, traction and good cornering could only attack the track for 1.5 laps each time. Going through 2, D and O/D on/off took my transmission temps up to 150c plus. Not good. The 1.5 laps were great and I could keep up with the Porsches, Ferrari and Viper that was there but I want to be going round for more than 1.5 laps for a £200 track day! I need to keep this amount of power so moving to a stock manual box alone won't sort this problem out. I'm going to get in touch with Chris Wilson soon to see what he suggests I/he do to my car to give it more stamina on the track. Any tips (no I don't want to strip all the Tescos trim out to reduce weight) Cheers Justin
  4. Im going there tomorrow! I think bye bye transmission.
  5. No mate. I'm usually quite in command of what software program I am using.
  6. I just did the old ' bi-annual check of your house on google earth to see if you are at home or not in high res' thingy and the pictures are now about 4 years older than when I last looked. Eh?
  7. Excuses - Drove like a total tw*t but was very impressed at the forgiving and faithful handling of me Supe. I should really have lost it on at least one of the bends but she hung on for me. Would have been nice to have more than one go at the circuit though. I reckon you could save 5 seconds by knowing the course better.
  8. HANDLING CIRCUIT - I think I'll put some practice in for next time :-) http://www.megaboost.co.uk/totb6/results/29.07.07%20Circuit%20Class%20Times.doc 1/4 MILE - http://www.megaboost.co.uk/totb6/results/29.07.07%20Quarters%20Best%20Times.doc 1 MILE RUN - http://www.megaboost.co.uk/totb6/results/29.07.07%20Flyer%20Class%20Speeds.doc Comprehensive times/results list here - http://www.megaboost.co.uk/totb6/results/
  9. I know mate it's a real shame. No pics in the gallery from last year either. I thinks it's fair to say that all who bothered to pay to enter, trundle up to run and put their cars on the line are keen to see how they faired against the whole list of entrants on the day. Would be nice to see a gallery of pics and clips from day in one place also of which there must be thousands.
  10. What about the times for everybody else? Anyone know when these will come out? It's a shame because we are interested!
  11. That was a good day. Not nice getting up at 4.45 though. Was a good enjoyable event overall even though it was punctuated with 6 hours of driving there and back. Not pleasant sat in the queue for the circuit for 2.5 hours but hey ho. Shame there were no Porsches, Lambos, Ferraris or Aston Martins to nail this year too. Big thanks to JB for organising everything, lending pit pass and moving tent to make space for support vehicles, Class One for being a top bloke and also helping me shove in the Pollonium 210 race fuel. If you can still see your hands glowing when you switch your lights out Doug give me a shout I've got some ointment . Thanks to Gaz for sorting me race fuel and lending the go faster funnel. There was another gent there who also helped me to remove the optimax from the tank that I wanted to thank but didn't catch who he was. Everybody else from our club was really helpful and nice to be around, sorry if I didn't mention you. Threw my fat auto with hi-stall round the cone circuit a bit blind really as you don't know where the racing line is and what speed you can get away with round the bends. Might need to slip in another tranny cooler somewhere as was hitting 130 degrees oil temp. I wasn't the slowest Supra though so achieved my aim there. I was thinking about a manual conversion before TOTB but am not now IanC :-) Got interviewed by the presenter lady too so might get on the telly My first 1/4 was 11.65 at 120mph and second was 11.7. (both sans rear spoiler) I was really happy and surprised to get under 12 and beat my best Santa Pod time on that surface? On the first run I couldn't burnout and was defeating the brakes but still got a good launch and no spin for a 1.8 60ft on cold tyres. I was a bit naughty though and had boost at 1.7psi. I had to turn it down to 1.5 for the top speed run as I got det (not surprisingly). I switched back to street tyres for the top speed run which gave an ugly launch. The steering was all over the place at 160+ and the road surface not brilliant. Brian was going really well but had a moody face on underneath. I think he wanted a 9 :-) Robbie was running brilliant times as I thought he would. Very very well done mate I was really pleased for you. Spoke to Envy Kev and he was having trouble burning out too. Ian what a blinding top speed nice one! I reckon we put in a much better club performance than last year. JB will there be a complete class B times list sent to you from Chris Mann? Bring on next year!
  12. Forecast looks aweful as usual. 1. I really don't want to get up at 5.15am drive 3 hours in the rain to not compete due to rain then drive 3 hours home in the rain. Does anyone know the score on this? ie will it be called off? 2. Is there any rain off value on our tickets? Cheers Justin
  13. Ah ok oops. The damage must have been done by the previous standard bulbs or too much moisture or both...... I'll take some pics when I get it out of the oven.
  14. Both my HID full beam bulbs have gone or don't work at least. I haven't needed to change them as the main beam is fine and I don't do much night driving in the Supe. Today I took one light out as it has steamed up from water ingress somehow so I need to reseal something no doubt. Anyway when I looked inside where the full beam cone is the silver reflective paint had all melted and burned away to the base yellowy plastic. Bummer. By the way is it ok to stick Glass headlights in the oven like you can the plastic ones? I want to get the glue all goey again so that I can reseal it. Cheers Justin
  15. BRIAN STEWART...... ADAM SHERWOOD.... KEV HUNTLEY.......... ROBERT McKOEN......500bhp IAN CHISHOLM......... JUSTIN MOAT..........500bhp
  16. Is there a 'received entry' list anywhere yet that anyone knows of? I sent mine off last week and would be good to know it got there.
  17. God this so sad. Thoughts go out to the family left behind.
  18. What about the £15 I paid for 3 runs that I didn't get???? No mention of a refund from Pod after I emailed them.
  19. Yeah that one went over my head a bit too?
  20. Nothing wrong with lining up against non Supes too though http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=qIcdrcRwgH0
  21. I agree and reckon us and our phat lardy Supras should ALL be aiming for the circuit this year. Apart from Greg B as he has no suspension Spoke to Chris Mann today and he said posted cheques and forms for next week was fine due to the strike. No need for credit cards over the phone today.
  22. Ok f*ck it too I'm in now Brian. Will post my cheque and thingy today. Think I'll use road tyres for the circuit though.
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