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cowboy bebop

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Everything posted by cowboy bebop

  1. If the top hat isn't affixed by nothing more than gravity, then that in itself is sketchy.
  2. So what then, the gulf region deserves what it gets?
  3. How is that "colossal jump"?? The oil is still pouring out and near as makes no differnce, at the same mind boggling rate! Here's an idea. If BP can install a tophat, let's see a plug right through the center that stops that leak.
  4. Apart from being responsible for the worst spill in US history, I'd say they have a history. A little light reading: http://www.thedailygreen.com/environmental-news/latest/bp-safety-record-0517
  5. BP's track record isn't exactly spotless, infact it's the worst in the industry. Rising above all that, f*ck finger pointing, BP has already admitted and accepted responsibility. It's time to get the job done.
  6. I understand, and I hope that everyone there can understand how helpless and angry we all feel in this. Many have the opinon as I do that if BP cap go so far as to top hat the well, then they ca go the extra mile to seal the well. It's not a far jump. But far far BP has been pulling ideas far out of their ass with no real plan in what they are goig to do to solve this. Before it was wit until June, now it's wait until August, come August it will be wait until October and so on. Meanwhile the oil keep spewing and the gulf coast keeps dying.
  7. The USA is looking at every oil company, hence the 6 month ban on drilling, but to be fair as well, BP's name didn't just get pulled out of a hat. It was through their direct inaction that this has gone on as long as it has. They brought this upon us and themselves, and honestly whatever outcome BP recieves from this I think your'e going to find and entire area covered ankle deep in black sludge that's completely unsympathtic.
  8. See that's where I disagree. BP rakes in $68M a day, are they saying with a straight face that they have no contingency plan for this? Sorry, but THAT is shooting from the hip and now the gulf region is paying the price for that negligence and incompitence. You have to understand how angry every one here in this area really is and they we all have family directly affected by this.
  9. I have to agree that I'm not for a 6 month drilling ban, but I AM for a safety standdown at some level. But as far as BP being a victim in this, I'm sorry but no. BP is failing and failiing hard. Coming up on day 50 and this is still happening with no end in sight. http://www.bp.com/liveassets/bp_internet/globalbp/globalbp_uk_english/homepage/STAGING/local_assets/bp_homepage/html/rov_stream.html
  10. Who's blaming Britain, I love Britain? The overwhelming concensus points the finger at BP as a corporation. As far as the government not doing enough, people seem to say that, but what shoud Obama do? Put on the dry suit, grip a knife in their teeth and dive in? Right now the government is doing exactly what it needs to do. But in the end, that's all posturing and fluff. The immediate fact of the matter is that due to this spill, Louisiana is fudged, along with their drinking water. If a hurricane comes along now that it's hurricane season, it's going to be a megadisaster. From the Louisiana coast, through Mississippi, Alabama, andthe Florida panhandle, ALL of those areas are screwed for decades. If the leak stopped today, they would be screwed for decades, but the oil is still spilling with no real solution in sight.
  11. BP has admitted and accepted responsibility in this matter so the quetion of who is makign this right is moot. It's already been answered.
  12. Hahaha... no, not lately.
  13. It's easy to take that stance when the white cliffs of Dover aren't being turned black, or the entire channel turned into the tar pits. Let your water supply be poisoned and entire means of income be destroyed and we'll see how sympethic you are. BP has not come to the table in solving this problem, and now it seems they're more concerned with capturing the oil than stopping the leak. If you're dreaming to even imply that BP should be in any way let off the hook or relaxed in this, then it's time to wake up.
  14. That's exceeedingly abstract. What's real is this http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/06/caught_in_the_oil.html
  15. BP is being blamed because it's BP's responsibility.. period. Same as if it would be Exxon's mess. I do happen to think that fines, imprissionment, and siezure of properties/oil rights is a the right thing to do. For what BP is repsonsible for, BP can burn. Also concerning the $75M liability cap, that figure goes out the window if the parties liable are convicted of negligence or are proven to have violated laws. Hence the criminal invesigation. Tony Hayward's not walking away from this one.
  16. I used to go to Fort Walton every year for holiday because the waters were clear and the the sand was sugar white. Now that the gulf is a giant toilet, there's no point in going anywhere near there other than to help with the cleanup.
  17. Transocean owns the rig and they very well may share in the liability, but BP leased it. It's the same concept as a child damaging a neighbors property, and the parents being liable. Jag, that BS rhetotic is great for Fox news, but now that oil is decimating the gulf region, all that talk goes right out the window. The hole is still open and still gushing, and everyday it gets worse. http://msnbcmedia4.msn.com/j/MSNBC/Components/Photo/_new/100504_oilbeach.h2.jpg
  18. We're here in the region, man, and I've got to tell you that right now none of that has anything to do with day 47 and tens of thousands of barrels spewing into the "black sea". While there are a couple of subcontractors involved, the ultimate responsibility still rides on BP. It's BP's rig, BP's oil, and if this would have never happened, BP's profit. So rightfully so, it falls on their shoulders to make right. Meanwhile the oil is washing up on the white beaches of Pensicola. Abotu Obama, you must be thinking of Bush and the way he handled big oil. Obama has already sent criminal investigators to the crime scene, and halted offshore drilling for 6 months. A safety standown is more than warranted in this situation, and there's no end in sight. And as far as Tony Hayward saying that he wants his life back, I couldn't imagine anything more crass, hurtful, and ignorant. Tell that to the 11 folks who died on that rig and their families. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of people who rely on the summer season to survive the year. What an ass.
  19. All I know is people here are out for blood and rightfully so. BP is being held responsible for killing an entire culture and the outcome for them isnt' looking good.
  20. Long Boat Key? Better get there before the loop current take the oil through the Keys and up the east coast on the way to Europe. As of now there is a criminal investigation going on and thank god for that. We need some real blame assessed for ruining lives.
  21. If your'e going anywhere near Destin, the beaches will be black and smell like a fresh road. BP subcontracted operations to a couple of American companies however safety and ultimate responsibility of the rig falls upon the BP reps onsite. BP still carries ultimate responsibility which is why they are heading and paying for the "cleanup". And still as I write this 3000 gallons of oil have spewed out into the Gulf of Mexico.
  22. Tar balls are washing up to the white sands of Pensicola beach. All I have to say is BP has ruined an entire culture for decades to come. Shameful.
  23. Actually the GBP and Euro and are geting hammered now. As of now BP is spending the 23,000,000 per day in the cleanup effort, with no money coming from the tax payer.
  24. I'm here to tell all of you, the spill is killing Louisiana, and it's 4 miles away from Florida.
  25. Still here, just busy building motors and producing firearms parts. Making these: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs534.snc3/30316_102904536424850_100001159110179_26718_7094883_n.jpg And these mega HP pistons: FSR Billet construction 94mm bore .927" pin bore 9310 oversized pin Contoured crown to match the cylinder head 2.5mm oversized valve reliefs Ceramic crown coating Side skirt coating Reinforced crown 5.4L specific C/H Thanks! Eric
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