I think I need a new dat file for my RLTC, this is the third occasion when it's let me down big time, with bowel moving consequences (just pure luck I haven’t lost it). I feel like ripping it out… With pliers!!! I’m very disappointed.
I was joining the M6 from a slip road and picked up speed to overtake a lorry which was trawling the inside lane. Not particularly throttling it when… Here we go!!!! Back end out, I’d say about 30 degrees to the right, I honestly thought I was going to die, there was traffic everywhere, the roads were wet but not torrential by any means and the system was set to wet (stock off). I just don’t have any faith in it anymore, if it was a one off fine, but as soon as T2 comes on line the thing cant cope, it’s ass over tit!
Half the time I have to lift off the throttle when I hear the engine misfiring so that the wheels can regain traction. What’s the point of having it in the first place if I’m the one controlling the slip with my right foot, I might as well sack it off all together (if I don’t lift of the car slows too much so it’s easier to control it myself). Surely that isn’t right with my spec (Technics Hybrids at 1.2 bar on a UK auto).
Thoughts? Terminator, you about dude!