It's time to fit the dashboard back in.
But before fitting it, I will strip down the heater box and check the water matrix and AC evaporator.
Removed access panel to heater matrix.
Matrix looks in good condition so it went back in.
The AC evaporator was in not so good condition:blink:
Insted of cleaning the evap I replaced it with a known good one from my spares bin. I also disenfected both the evap and driptray so they are nice & fresh
I missed the pic of the assembled heater box, so onto the DBW pedal.
A quick call to Hodge to see how he fitted the pedal to johnnys car put me in the right direction, thanks mate I used the exsisting mount and made and additional support bracket, looks OEM
Fitted the dash back in.
That's it for now, got a date off Ryan for next month He is coming down to calibrate and map the car, so I better get a move on.