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Everything posted by FaithStalker

  1. >> psst Andy you naught boy youve opened the factory that makes worms that go into cans that are easily opened GT4........... need to fix the Supra first - not a big job i think now, just a few wires crossed then its off to Autotrader for the beauty shhhh i think she can here me
  2. I could make a joke consisting of : pork lot suck on but i wont- as that would be sick and probably banned by Branners
  3. Fight!??!!? Man dont get me started on the quality in that Pub, and i dont mean the food ....or the beer... or the decor!!!!! one good thing about those ribs - she had come over and pick up the plate :-) do you think Terminator could put a webcam in the plaque he was going to get for the wall :-) I dont think any of us managed to finish a conversation sensibly, it just ended ....... "ooooohhhhhhhhhh man" "did you seeeeeee that" "f*** meeeeeeeeeeee" "what were we talking about??!?!?" it really was wall to wall, time to convince the misses that sunday lunch is good there and we should go every week as well as the Supra meet every 2 weeks. oh and i'm off to buy a Porsche so i can go to thier meets on another night, and a Micra for the Micra-Boyz meet as well.... in fact i've just put in an offer for a house i saw last night for sale... ***** DISCLAIMER ********* All above statements will be refuted in the presence of any family member and/or long term female relationship, usually refrered to as "The Misses", all memories of the above events will be totally different to any of your recollection as we simple talked all night about tyres and not the hot tottie in the Pub last night.
  4. IP?? i suppose i can give it a try, i guess if something was wrong with the wires i'd see some wires going nowhere from a black box which i'd assume would be the delimter i thought you also had to remove the stuff around the gear selector?!?!?? or is that for the WHOLE dash?!?!
  5. Cheers Darren!!!!!!! if it involves dash work etc i may take it to Leon anyway,as i'm not too hot on how things go back together, and i'm sure he'd do a much better job than me and now i know where to point him for the problem it should be relativley quick ! (he's also servicing it anyway) and may secretley without telling the MISSES decat it !!!!!!!! (cat 1 only) mwuuhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa if i manage to spot the problem and its in the passanger footwell i'll try and sort it out myself - but i pretty much know what i'm like, so i guess you'll be seeing a thread "i accidently sawed through the ECU and the passenger wing while trying to fix the delimiter" thread tomorrow morning :D
  6. i cant seem to find any diagrams or pictures of the ECU / delimieter does any have any? if a wire or a clip or something has come off i could do with knowing where to put it back..... or do perhaps some peterboroughians know how its supposed to look or have some other Supra to compare it too???? :D
  7. Well after reading quite a few articles in the "SEARCH" about this it certainly sounds like a delimiter problem.... and this sparked a little memory i had of last nights "run" with ChrisR, as i came off the private track and went home on normal roads around a few islands, i heard a rattle and something rolling around coming from the passenger side of the car....... could this be something to do with the ECU/delimiter ?!?!?! could something have come off....... i usually put my steering lock down in the passenger footwell, i wonder if its hit something or somethings come lose! hmmmm i'm feeling a little less panicy now about the whole thing, as it does sound like its being limited - and in that case its not such an expensive fix
  8. Cool, any ideas where this wiring would be??? I'll try and search on delimiter and see if i can get any diagrams, pictures of where to look! As its going to Leon's tomorrow i'll have to try and figure it out tonight - would it look fairly obvious???
  9. booked in at Leons now for this week, revs are 4300 when it cuts, boost is at maximum when the cut comes in wierd wierd wierd
  10. After a lovelly Cambridge meet last night (Thu) there was nothing wrong with the Supra, gave it a bit of welly against ChrisR's GT4 all the way round to 140 leptons on our private test track... different matter this morning, i was really late for the train, so had to give it a bit of welly when it was cold, I got up to 121 leptons (overdrive was on, manu off) and the engine died, it dropped back a few 1000 revs and then picked up again......then died again!!!!! all boost was lost. I backed off, and accelerated hard , boost was up to stock levels (its a stock car) of 0.7 all the way round to 121 leptons, then death again no warning lights no flashing nothing as i am not a techie the only thing i can think of is its lost 4th Gear??????? could it be the box was very cold???? didnt like being worked hard ? i ran out of time and out of ...track... and had to park it and come to work, i'll test the 4th gear theory tonight using the MANU and OD buttons to engage and keep 3rd until PAST 121 (to see if its speed related) then try and engage 4th. crap crap crap any ideas? anything i can check??? (with my 0 knowledge of Supras) - any help will be much appreciated! theres no noises, no clangs, nothing, its just like you've let off the throttle..... anyone got Leons number? *SOB* anyone got a good Loan rate recently?
  11. good to see everyone! many thanks to ChrisR for giving me a ride in his GT4 , which i now want - but cannot get until the Supra is fixed (see Technical)!!!!!!!!!!! dammit! Termy - those are tasty wheels - look forward to seeing them in the daylight and when youve got all your chroming sorted out.... Andy - didnt see you on the A1 - i guess you must have got there before and left after being bored waiting around fo so long Got up this morning to find the Supra in a sorry state :-( anyone got Leons number?
  12. Any chance of a name / car colour so we can spot him , or is it a test to see if we can tell a Supra owner from a TVR owner? hmmm does he have a posh accent NO does he flount his keyring everywhere NO does he have a beard NO does he need to find Vaxhaul / Ford parts to fix his car with NO does he have a confident swagger with a little glint in his eye of the real raw power under his right foot with the potential of 4 digit bhp YES- thats the Supra man!
  13. Excellent - guess the FOG light was ok, you got stock exhaust or 1 cat?
  14. So that makes it : FaithStalker ChrisR Terminator (He'll be late) Bobbeh AndyP Justin ??? Trains and road conditions allowing we'll (me n ChrisR) be there about 7.45-8.00 ish
  15. The bulb i am using is from my local source, and i'm running the JIC standard rear fog light conversion (one of the reverse lights), this bulb shows quite a good red colour, the best yet. my MOT is in aug/september time, i'm sure it will be ok as long as i dont take it back to the ar**hole i did last year who was determined to fail it (he failed it once until i complained to him!) conversion as follows MOT guy : "But its not very intense...." Me : "thats the brightest bulb that can go in there" MOT guy: "But its supposed to have 2 reverse lights" Me : "But the f***** VIN plate doesnt even show up on your computer as its an import - and lots of cars have 1 reverse light, look at the ford focus" MOT Guy: "But its been messed around with, it originally had 2 reverse lights....i'm not sure...." Me : "Show me where it says it needs to reverse lights ....come on show me..." :angry: MOT Guy: "ok ok i'll let it through this time..." Me : "You think i'm coming back here..."
  16. bloody hell - took em days to email me back ! Whens your MOT? if you can wait till saturday i can get to my local place and buy one for you (if they have one - i bought the last one a few months ago!), then post it - although there not packed very well, so i'd have to encase it in bubble wrap etc. I cant remember how much it cost, think it was only a few quid i think, postage would probably cost a lot more ! where in the country are u?
  17. LED's dont work to good as they point upwards and only light half the lens, might fail, try these guys for bulbs - i emailed them and they put me in touch with the local stockists / ordering people, they do almost all the bulbs in all the colours!!!!!!!!!! http://www.autostyling.co.uk/index.asp or try these http://www.speeding.co.uk/acatalog/www_speeding_co_uk_Hot_Spots_108.html
  18. :) you'll have to tell us which way you went - cos i've no idea how you get there before us, your car look awesome on the road b.t.w
  19. Count me in - for the curry and the meet as well :-) ...although the steak... maybe the pie.... so mannny choices and just 1 stomach!
  20. I know that this is an old thread and i've only just read it, but some of the posts in here should not be lost and i think some of the info should be put into a FAQ's asap as its top notch stuff I for one have been considering the pros/cons of decat and its certainly helped me, i'm sure we'll get a lot of newbies asking this question over and over again (like i did :-) ) Nice one to ChrisR for linking this thread off his sig !
  21. sorry - didnt realise you were heading up A1M as well otherwise would have waited for you and your lovely Rx7. ChrisR was off and away round those WRC type lanes in his GT4 :-) trying my best to catch him but i kept getting a loada wadding in my radiator causing me to slow down :-) although i think he's convinced me to but a Gt4 -see seperate thead :-))))))) where bouts do you live then - cos you also followed me off the slip road off the A1 ! you must be close?
  22. i want a GT4 - I REALLY REALLY WANT ONE, so i may indeed sell my Supra. ChrisR's was keeping up with me all up the A1M and totally leaving me around bends, that could be my wimpy-round-bends-driving style (through my fear of RW spin + crash) but the car looked REALLY REALLY nice. time for some GT4 research apart from that, was great to see you guys , and what i want to know is how the hell the Rx7 managed to get on the A1 before us, and it left the pub after us?!?!?! huh ? huh??
  23. HEy Justin I'm in london too E V E R Y D A Y cross fingers WAGN are running on time tonight for both of us then !!!
  24. ahhh f*** me sideways with a train, i thought the big thing was the intercooler, so when you get a FMIC jobbie - does that then go in front of the radiator? the drivers side air duct - yes thats the one i also looked at last night - but not it too greater a detail as i thought it was AirCon or Oil or something ! DOH i'll have a nuver good look on thursday at the Cambridge meet ! see what state its in! something that small costs so much !!!!!!! wow !
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