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Everything posted by AeroMatt

  1. With all this talk of HID conversions I was just wondering. Supposing I got a 5000k kit and then decided I'd rather have an 8000k kit, is it simply a matter of buying 8000k bulbs or would I need different ballasts to drive the 8000k bulbs? Thanks
  2. AeroMatt

    More horses

    I've installed an emanage on my N/A, not done the cam gears though. I'm still in the process of tuning it. Once I've got a good map I'll get it rolling roaded and see how its performing. I've got one of those Gtech pros for basic comparisons, but I wouldn't trust its accuracy too much.
  3. 0 miles away, guess I'm closest. What's the favour?
  4. I've bought an R134a recharge kit as my a/c struggles to blow cool air, yet alone the icy blasts I get with other cars. I've done some research and found out which pressures the system requires, which type of refridgerant and how much etc. The only problem now is finding the low pressure valve so I can fill the system! Can someone tell me where to find it? Thanks,
  5. Thanks CJ, I may have found one. If not I'll see if they would be willing to sell me one. Cheers,
  6. I'm desperately after a nearside front jap spec brake caliper as mine is p***ing out fluid from a crack. I'm hoping someone may have upgraded their brakes and still have the j-spec ones laying around, if so please let me know how much you'd want for one/them. Failing this, I'll have to get one from a breaker or trader. Can anyone suggest any companies that won't break the bank (I'd guess that Toyota are going to be expensive, plus my local one claims they don't do imports! ) Any help would be appreciated Matt (I've already posted a request in the parts section but assume that people only look in there if they want to buy or sell something.)
  7. You're about 6 months too early for me mate. Was looking to save up some reddies and perform this conversion late next spring. If someone hasn't already ripped your arm off by then, I'd be very interested. (And you're not far from me, hmm....)
  8. Some good points there, I've noticed it does log duplicates here and there. Its not often enough for it to be a problem for my uses (rough benchmark / playing). I didn't think of the increased revs before launch as so far I've just put it in 1st then booted it, so I know the instant I launch as the TPS goes up. For anyone who launches properly that could be a problem. Thanks for the input Ian, thought you might respond.
  9. I've also heard that the ECU messes around with the timing if the airflow signal is fudged by a piggy back system. However, with the emanage (I don't know about the other piggy backs), there are two methods of altering fuelling; changing the airflow that the ECU sees or simply adding extra pulsewidth to the injector signal. Therefore, if you are only adding extra fuel to your map, then you should be fine just to use the injector map which won't alter the timing.
  10. I've been playing around with the emanage data conversion excel spreadsheet and have realised you can use the converted data from it to work out 0-60, 0-100, 50-70.... The emanage captures its data every 0.1* of a second, so all you need to do is work out the speed from the RPM and you have a snapshot of your MPH every 0.1 of a second. You'll need to make a few calculations like the gear ratios and tyre sizes. i.e. mph = (rpm x tyre diameter [inches]) / (gear ratio x 336) I've only just started playing around with this, but it looks like it all works out. Just thought I'd share this as I think its quite handy. Let me know what you think. *I'm on my other PC so am not 100% sure that its 0.1 of a sec, but its certainly a regular interval.
  11. AeroMatt


    Hi Todd, nice car you have there. The picture isn't that clear, but I reckon they're Wolfrace Urban Racer 5 wheels, same as I had on my old MR2.
  12. Simon, just had a look at the excel converter. Very handy tool actually I've had a play with the e-supporters program and I've got to grips with most of it. I can't seem to work it online, but once the logs have been captured you can analyse the info much like in the support tool. On e-supporters you can input the gear ratios, final drive, weight (I think) and your power (although if you're just using it as a benchmark it doesn't matter whats in here too much) You then select a start and end point of the log, choose which gear you were in and it will provide max torque in kg/m at rpm. Still can't get the AFR bit to work though.
  13. Oh yes, forgot to mention that! As I've got an NA, I can use the boost input for the E-01 to log WB02. Obviously this wouldn't be any use to anyone using the boost input. Apparently you can use the throttle position sensor if you don't use that input. I've looked on the yahoo groups, its where I found out that this tool exists. Unfortunately no-one on there knows much about it either. Actually, whle on the subject of the e-manage, if anyone needs the latest software (1.13) and firmware (1.39) versions, I have them on my PC. Just let me know.
  14. Just wondered if anyone with an e-manage has tried this software. As I understand it, it shows (and logs) air/fuel ratio in real time, displays power outputs and some other techie stuff. The only problem is that its all in japanese so I haven't a clue how to use it, so I'm hoping someone else may have some experience of it. Software can be obtained here for anyone who's interested.
  15. Consider it taken my friend 1. millhouse (Fri, Sat, Sun) 2. Timwildman 3. Darren Adams 4. Branners (Sun) 5. JamesG (Sun) 6. Stevie Boy 7. SoonTo (Sun) 8. Faye (Fri, Sat, Sun) 9. Keith C (Fri, Sat, Sun) 10. Dude (Fri, Sat, Sun) 11. Bobbeh (Sun) 12. Sherriff (Sun) 13. leett (Fri, Sat, Sun) 14. Foodfreak (Sun) 15. SupraPito (Sun) 16. Paul R & Kopite - (Fri, Sat, Sun) 17. Supragal + Stox?? (Sat, Sun) 18. Paul Laing (Sun) 19. AJI - Aron Iniff (Sun) 20. Lovatt (Fri, Sat, Sun) 21. MFS 22. Trig (Fri, Sat, Sun) 23. MrAngry (Sun) 24. Matt Harwood (Sun) 25. V (Fri, Sat, Sun) 26. mawby (Fri, Sat, Sun) 27. crimbo 28. Agndrs 29. Oxygene (Sun) 30. Ray (Sun) 31. suprarob (Sat, Sun) 32. SimonB (Sun) 33. Lust2luv (Sun) 34. Vaughany (Sun) 35. Gandolf 36. Tlicense (Sat, Sun) 37. Chris N. & Son (Sun) 38. Cashpoint 39. Jive (Sun) 40. AeroMatt (Sat, Sun) 41. Suprz_rz (Sat, Sun) 42. Mark Kindell (Fri, Sat, Sun) 43. Donna (Fri, Sat, Sun) 44. Fatmerecat (Sun) 45. Dave222 (Sat) 46. Steve M (Sun) 47. Rav (Sun) 48. Newgendesign 49. Chipmunk (Sat) 50. Barry (Sat, Sun) 51. Nick 52. Darren Blake (Sat, Sun) 53. geoffvalenti (Sun) 54. zap (Sat, Sun) 55. NEO 56. SupraStar (Sun) 57. Luffy 58. Supraguy (Sat,Sun) 59. Dunk (sun) 60. Paul_y3k (sun) 61. Justin (Sun) 62. John Fisher ( Sat & Sun ) 63. Secondjump(Sun) 64. Rob Moch (Sat,Sun) 65. Bammbamm(sun) 66. MONKEYmark (Sun) maybe Sat camping 67. Gough (Sunday) 68. 250horses (sat but may be Sat and Sun) 69. Graham S (Poss Sat & Sun) 70. Chase (Sun) 71. Kevin & Sue (Sun) 72. Supra66 (sun) 73. Dangerous and the Real brain (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with the supe and the rocket barge) 74. Adam Fennell
  16. How do I go about getting my car in the MKIV area? I don't know if it makes any difference to how the cars are positioned (ie people wanting to leave before others etc) but I'm coming up on Saturday and camping, so will be leaving on the Sunday.
  17. Don't worry, just act cool. No-one will realise your hand is stuck to the bonnet.
  18. 1) Clarkey Sparkey 2) Chipmunk 3) Malamute 4) Mcanney 5) CJ 6) Supradibbs 7) Trig 8) Castle 9) Supragal 10) Jasonmoola 11) Attilauk 12) Matt B 13) Manic 14) Branners (depending on price) 15) Dangerous Brain 16) Lightwave 17) SimonB 18) MfS 19) SupraStar 3000 20)bigmoistyturbo 21)AeroMatt Another dependant on price / quality.
  19. Logically, using a diode would be ideal but I think diodes can only handle very low power and would burn out very quickly. I had a similar problem when making up some headlights for my old MR2. After lots of messing about, I found the only method that worked was using relays. Matt
  20. The only replacement ECU that I'm aware of is the TOMs one at around £1k. If you have a look at this thread and scroll down to the comments Nic has made it'll give you some more information. Personally, I went for the GReddy emanage as the total cost was just over £300 with all the neccessary harnesses and software. Plus you can tune it yourself if you're into that kind of thing (providing you have access to a wideband o2 measuring kit). Matt
  21. AeroMatt


    Hmm, this wouldn't be ProCarParts would it? Exactly the same thing happened to me. On the auction it quotes one price, but once I'd won it the bloke said the shipping would be more. Matt (Who still doesn't have clear indicators as he got sent bumper lights!!)
  22. Mine occasionally work loose after a bit of spirited driving. Not too badly but enough for the roof to start creaking. Once I nip them up again I don't usually have a problem till next time I remove and refit the roof. I don't think I have the proper tool though, the bloke I bought it off gave me a spanner and something that looks like a straight allen key with a rubber bung on it. I put the allen key bit into the screw and use the spanner to turn it. I think the ptfe tape would be a good idea, I might have to give that a go if mine gets any worse. Matt
  23. Thanks for the replies, I think I'll try the paste once more. I'm just a bit concerned about one of the bolts holding the cat pipe to the manifold as the bloke at the garage initially tightened it so the nut is stuck on the thread. So when I undo it the whole bolt comes out, not just the nut. I think I'll get a new threaded bar and nut from Toyota to be on the safe side, at least then I won't be afraid to overtighten it. Oh and the best line from the garage was. "We had some real problems with another one of these the other week, that wasn't a turbo though!" I could forgive them had they not been looking around the engine bay / exhaust for the past 20 minutes. Bunch of muppets. Cheers, Matt
  24. I've recently bought both decat pipes for my N/A and after having a local formula 1 garage tell me they couldn't do it without having the car for a day (and probably taking out the engine!) I fitted them myself on my drive in a few hours. The decat didn't come with any gaskets and I was planning on using the originals. However, these are just round circles that fit into a recess between the cat and the manifold. Seeing as the decat pipe doesn't have this recess, I used plenty of firegum between the pipes instead. Unfortunately this hasn't worked after two attempts and the join is blowing. Can anyone tell me how they sealed theirs? I don't want to go through the effort of removing the pipes and trying the original gaskets if its just going to blow again. I would lose the will to live! Cheers, Matt
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