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Everything posted by Ark

  1. I spent a weeks holiday in Sharm El Sheik last year - scuba divers mecca! Had no troubles at all. As someone previously said, if you look like a soft touch, or you start handing out tips, expect others to try to cash in on you. But hey, it's no different to here really - just the language and culture around you is unfamiliar, so it seems daunting. Oh, and go by the hotel ratings of Thomas Cook or A.N.Other travel agent, because they know what ratings their guests expect, based on what the agent tells them. And since the exchange rate is so good, you might as well fork out for a top class hotel. Lastly, don't drink the water from the tap, or ice. It's worth buying chilled, bottled water at the bar (unless you like the sight of your hotel bathroom!!!)
  2. One ray of light Mawby - you might lose 2 years NCB, but you'll still have 6, which is enough for 60% discount which is the normal maximum anyway. Oh, and you mentioned protected NCB too, which means you won't even lose those 2 years, even if you are found at fault (unlikely I'm sure). Just have to keep your nose clean for a couple of years now.
  3. Don't worry, it's normal. Just the ECU doing what a manual choke did in years gone by - revving higher until the engines warmed up. If you 'hot start' it (like in the petrol station) you'll probably see it rev that high then drop off immediately as the temperature readings take effect. You could also try it without the AC running, as this causes it to run a few hundred extra revs. Chris
  4. I have two methods for dealing with these callers, depending on my mood - I either let the answering machine field the call (people I want to speak with know I do this, so they hold on), alternatively I'm abrupt, rude or downright abusive, depending on how many times they've called in the past. I'm ex-directory which helps a lot, but it doesn't help when someone seems to be giving out my number as their contact for surveys and stuff I get god-only knows how many calls for Mr Single! Chris
  5. Well, I've got about 2000 special offers in my inbox!! Chris
  6. Maybe. I was hoping someone might suggest a big spring or something Chris
  7. Not going to be tonight, judging by the thunder rolling round this part of the world... Chris
  8. Now I've got your attention I'm talking about the windscreen-top spoilers that pop out when you take your targa roof off. I find that when travelling at more than about 40 MPH, the air pressure just flattens them, and I get loads of air buffeting in the cabin. If I hold them up with my spare hand, the buffeting stops, the spoilers take effect, and the air whistles over the cabin roof - noisy but effective. So, any ideas anyone? Thanks, Chris
  9. Good point - that extra hour each day, plus cutting into your lunchbreak and you can easily make up and extra days worth of time in a single week. Six days work for the price of five - a good deal if you can get it (the boss that is). Chris
  10. The big con about that was the basic fact that the emergency services have HUGE fuel stockpiles, and the protestors weren't blocking the tankers destined for that purpose anyway. The government used emotional blackmail and the media to quell the mob-rule. Then the protest organisers were shown the accounting details the 'proved' the government couldn't afford to reduce the tax...I mean come on - these guys were farmers weren't they? Not accountants! How can they be expected to make a valid judgement on that point? I remember in the very late 90's when the economy was booming, fuel consumption was as high as ever, and we were paying 55p / litre. I refuse to believe that conditions have changed so much that we need to pay so much. Chris
  11. Performance related pay is a good thing - too many companies paying fixed salaries will over-work you and try to make out that they have a "work hard, play hard" approach. Pah! It's an excuse to squeeze free work out of people bny making them feel obliged! Most of the time people can get through their work-load in a normal day if they pull their finger out - less chatting, surfing and moaning about how much work they have to do, and how late they are going to have to stay, and presto: clock off at 5pm, ignore the evils from the boss who wants free extra work and get your life back. Chris
  12. Agreed - it's probable that there are more funny prints out there, but the chances are that they are just a few odd ones. I've picked up the occasional magazine with funny pages - I got one that was perfectly printed, with proper size pages comprised of over-sized paper, folded into shape! Wierd, but hardly an big issue for me! Your J-Tuner however is obviously useless, so take it back and swap it. Chris
  13. Black J-spec, heading south on the M3, just before you got to Hook. Hope that police car mere seconds behind you with the full light-show wasn't out for you!! Chris
  14. That seems to be happening a lot recently - mine went a couple of months ago, and I was quoted around £500 for a new pulley! Got a second-hand one for the kind of price you mentioned here. Actually, count yourself lucky - when mine went, it took the fan with it too! (see pic) Chris
  15. Sounds good. Got a URL? Cheers, Chris
  16. I thought I had read up properly! I assumed that the relays I had bought were the righth ones though. How I know - never assume anything about anything bought straight off the shelf! OK, new question: Should the relays be mounted inside the car boot, or will they be OK tucked underneath the light cluster? Chris
  17. OK, me and my low-grade electronics skills! If anyone wants to know, I found the answer in the following document: http://www.installdr.com/TechDocs/999404.pdf Told me pretty much everything I needed to know. I guess I ought to try to understand stuff, before going chopping wires off my loom, huh! Chris
  18. Hello Everyone, Probably been asked many times before, but I can't find a thread on it so here goes: I'm trying to do Pete Betts' fog lamp conversion using the two automotive relays as described. However, the only relays appear to have only 4 pins (30, 85, 86, 87). There is a stump of a pin for 87a, but I can't see a way to make use of it...It's not a busted pin, because every single one at halfords was like this. I guess my question is:- is this a second pin for 87, so can I simply hang two wires off 87 using a dual spade connectors, or MUST I get new relays with 5 pins present? Thanks guys, Chris
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