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Everything posted by Ark

  1. Air bags are often designed _not_ to go off for comparatively slow speed impacts, because they can cause more injuries than they prevent...
  2. Mine does something similar - it's the key barrel - for no good reason the 'sweet spot' where the ignition makes contact is really small, so if I twist the key all the way, it clicks starter motor tries to go, then cuts. If I turn the key really carefully it goes in the sweet spot and starts up perfectly. Weird but there you go.
  3. Many paint packages include some animated gif functionality. JASC Paint Shop Pro has a 30 day evaluation for example. Alternatively go to http://www.download.com and search for "animated gif" (or some-such) to see loads of bits of sofware to try.
  4. I think it's part of the breathing process for most women... Is for my missus anyway.
  5. Ark

    New Film

    We must have been at the same gig then!
  6. Ark

    New Film

    It was made by a guy calling himself "Rob Zombie" appropriately enough. Apparently he cut his teeth on the horror movies of old, and doesn't 'get' modern hollywood horror / slasher / teen movies. More importantly, he was part of "White Zombie" - one of the best heavy bands in years!
  7. Ark

    Rattling Bonnet

    Adjust them how? Do they screw in and out or something?
  8. Chaps, Last night I found that my bonnet was rattling - I climed out and closed my door to the accompanyment of a loud clattering. After a bit of poking, shaking, re-closing the door, I figured it was the bonnet. Standard J-Spec bonnet, no pins. Has anyone got any bright ideas to rectify this? Thanks.
  9. Shave whilst in the shower, that's my trick. Then you can splash loads of hot water around, loads of shaving foam, no worries about making a mess. Saves time, and gets nice and close. People say "I need a mirror...". Well I say "You know where your face is, don't you?"
  10. Today I saw something you don't see every day - genuine Jag XJ220 on the road headed for Winchester. Probably only the second one I've ever seen.
  11. You could just try being firm but gentle with it - worked for me on the first one. Second one I had to use an impact driver on (if at first you don't succeed, hit it with a hammer!).
  12. Still spending virtual money, and building up a virtual version of my SZ, and I came across these funky manifolds by Virtual Works: http://www.suprastore.com/viwonama.html Does anyone know anything about these? Are they any good? Any ideas about compatibility with NA-T kits such as Boostlogic? (I'm gradually getting the funds together for this project - I want to have as full an idea of the final goal as possible, before beginning!)
  13. Certainly be interested... What are the chances of extending to other hard-plastic interior parts such as boot trim and such like?
  14. FWIW They've got it Camberley too.
  15. £250 => £825 PER MONTH And no incentive to drive a more economical car... Or I could spend twice as long driving the A30 through basingstoke, all that stop / start traffic, congestion (!!!), fuel inefficiency blah blah blah, and get it down to £601...WTF?!?!?!? The whole point of a motorway is to get smoothly from A to B. It's purpose is to ease city congestion, yet these schemes will create it by forcing cheapskates like me to make that ugly choice! Someone really needs a good slap over this one.
  16. I use a 12v Black&Decker screwdriver with 5mm(?) hex bit, 'coz I'm a lazy S.O.B. And no, it's a really bad idea to rely on the single central bolt - everything will rattle around, and if it lets go, you'll do a good impression of that bit in Fast and Furious where his rood goes flying off.
  17. I'm only a couple of years past you, and I remember 50p/litre!! That's where we should be going back to!
  18. Playing 'devil's advocate' for a second here - the government did graciously (?) drop another pre-planned 4p tax hike only last week, due to the "current high price of oil". Or, reading between the lines, they are $hit-scared of crossing the magical £1/litre marker, and the public fury this would cause. Basically, we have been paying 90(ish)p/litre for long enough not to _really_ notice. The £1 marker would be a political killer!
  19. Ask for a quote. If you don't like the price, you don't have to take it. It took about two weeks to get fitted, but most of that was waiting for the right colour carpet to be delivered by the manufacturers. Once it was available, it was fitted after about two days - 1 hour (ish) job for a room 3m x 4m. (As with most workmen, offer 'em a cup of tea - I find it makes them more predisposed to do a good job)
  20. Yup - worked on me! I don't know whether it's the placebo effect, but the car does seem to run smoother since I switched over.
  21. When your already paying a couple of hundred quid to the shop, what's another £50 for proper fitting? Saves so much arsing around co-ordinating different people. Just sign your life away on your credit card Had our bedroom fitted last Friday - really pleased with it. BTW get some good underlay too! Oh yeah, that welcome package arrived too - Thanks Supragal.
  22. Well I am picking up my new specs this weekend. Maybe if I could see properly I'd realise that it's not just big and ugly, but massive and hideous
  23. All I know is that SVA is supposed to be a piece of pi$$ for yank SUVs, because they already have tighter emissions laws than us (and much more so than Japan). Actually I do have more to add - saw an F150 Lightning this lunchtime. It was really big and ugly.
  24. Does anyone know where I could get a high-flow catalytic convertor? I realise that these are more restrictive than straight-through pipes, but for the sake of legality.... Cheers.
  25. Quality what? Quality coma-inducing 10 minute solos? Boring. Sent me right to sleep they did.
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