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Everything posted by Ark

  1. I wonder if that was Mike Lavery? He lives round that way...Don't know if he's on this board though - used to pop up every now and then on the old Smartgroups email forum.
  2. Ark

    110 days to go

    Oh yeah - I got so wrapped up in moaning about people who moan, I forgot to note that that was my 100th post. woohoo
  3. Ark

    110 days to go

    What I don't get is why people seem to think Christmas is about quantity not quality - lots of crappy presents rather than one or two really nice presents. Loads of food rather than a nicely done turkey dinner. Loads of booze rather than a good bottle of wine shared with some great company. Why oh why do people insist on giving rubbish gifts like socks, chocolate santas, or the endless Simpsons spin-offs and tacky-gifty-thingies from department stores? Why not just tell the intended recipient: "here's 20 quid - I didn't know what you wanted / couldn't be bothered to find out" - at least the money wouldn't be a total waste, and it's honest. Every year I hear people bragging / bemoaning how much they've spent on Christmas this year, and later how Christmas is the same every year - blah blah blah, visited by the in-laws, crap tv. Well boo hoo - if you don't like it, don't do it! Signed Scrooge
  4. Is this the fabled "yellow snow" i've been advised not to eat? hahaha!
  5. Love it! You make it sound like a deadly disease!!! HAHAHA! ...hold on a minute...
  6. Ark

    110 days to go

    Yeah, it's called the BWS isle (Beer, Wine and Spirits)!!!!
  7. Agreed - basic necessities are just that! All the howling I saw on TV doesn't cut it for me though - the average person can live two weeks without eating...longer if they're fat. There's plenty of material to make fires from, and plenty of water to boil up and drink. I really don't see the problem! One lady they interviewed on the news was living in a car on the beach, out of choice, because she had all this, and no hassle from other people who packed into the shelters like sheep, expecting to be given everything miraculously. Aren't there something like 5 million people affected? Do they really expect the government to sort that many people out in a blink of an eye? If they've got the energy to rant and rave on tv, they can't be that badly off yet - just too used to 5 square meals a day! (asbestos underpants on - I'm entitled to my opinions)
  8. WTF is that all about? Like you'd turn around and give them a number. He asks for the lowest, you give it, and that magically becomes the highest offer he'll make! Him: "What's the lowest you'd take?" Me: "A million pounds" Him: "Hmm, seems a bit dear to me..."
  9. Dude, what else would one need to do this very conversion? Parts list? Website detailing what needs doing...? What kind of mileage has your box got on it (was it new when you got it)? I'm certainly interested...depending on the total cost/difficulty of the conversion!
  10. What possible reason can there be for a body shop to test drive a car? If it was in for mechanical work, then sure, I can buy that, but a spray job?
  11. It never pays to do anything in the heat of the moment, because there are always repercusions. Been there before, and while it does make your blood boil, and frustrates the heck out of you, it is only a car (yeah, I know...) and it's not worth getting locked up over!
  12. Not me, but I have seen this guy around a few times. Never had the chance to wave though.
  13. Which is just one of the reasons fleas can jump so high. On the other end of the spectrum, elephants are comparatively weaker than humans, despite the fact that they can lift tree-trunks. Meanwhile ants can easily lift 10 times their body weight.
  14. And you're writing in white ink too...really hard to read!
  15. Oh OK. Practise makes perfect I guess...
  16. Another what? Another rampant killer squirrel?
  17. I'm sure you don't...so it's perfectly acceptable behaviour for you. Just don't be surprised if men try to score bonus 'man points' by deliberately scaring you with sppiders...it's like playing burglar (farting under the covers, then holding your loved one's head under) - it's just a demonstration of affection, man-style
  18. Actually on a slightly more serious note Supragal, that part of Hampshire is bad for big, ugly spiders. When I lived in Petersfield, we had exactly the same problem (And _loads_ of ants too). We've moved further west (Winchester) and get hardly any housespiders, mainly because we have loads of Spindly spiders (http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/indexmag.html?http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/spider/pholcus1.html), which apparently eat all the others, despite looking like a good gust of wind would blow them to bits. Because they look so crap, we can live with them in the house It's a climate thing apparenty - it's warmer further west...
  19. You need to get one of these: http://www.improvementscatalog.com/Parent.asp?product=142749x&dept%5Fid=17000&subdept%5Fid=17120 Or a big can of RAID - that's one smell I'm sure they don't like!!! HAHAHA! You're all a big bunch of girls :D
  20. Does look smart with the logos on. I gotta ask though - the UK brakes - do they come painted, with the logo printed from the factory? What size discs can you run with them?
  21. There's a conversion guide with pictures here: http://www.mkiv.com/techarticles/auto_to_6spd_swap/index.html HTH
  22. That's what 30 years of the IRA does to you. Oh, and about 2000 years of warfare, civil unrest, blah blah blah. The American identity is sufficently young that it hasn't had that kind of background. Their only previous homeland attack was probably Pearl Harbour, and thats thousands of miles away from America 'proper'. (Feel free to correct - American history really doesn't rate in my topics of interest!)
  23. Ark

    Bangra music

    Went to an Indian friends wedding a few years back, and they have a live bangra band - the drumming was awesome! Really couldn't sit still!
  24. Supposed to be awesome for Scuba - get on a try-dive if you haven't done it before. Then if you get the bug, you'll have a new 'kit-sport' to sink your hard-earned into. I got really into the underwater photography in the Caribbean earlier this year.
  25. I only know what I read... Oh, and the fact that my missus did almost the very same thing - car's front was a goner - lights, bonnet, bumper, rad and all pipe-work...Looked a right mess, but they fixed it up OK (ish). And the airbag didn't go off. Whiplash passed after a couple of days popping paracetomol too.
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