What I don't get is why people seem to think Christmas is about quantity not quality - lots of crappy presents rather than one or two really nice presents. Loads of food rather than a nicely done turkey dinner. Loads of booze rather than a good bottle of wine shared with some great company.
Why oh why do people insist on giving rubbish gifts like socks, chocolate santas, or the endless Simpsons spin-offs and tacky-gifty-thingies from department stores? Why not just tell the intended recipient: "here's 20 quid - I didn't know what you wanted / couldn't be bothered to find out" - at least the money wouldn't be a total waste, and it's honest.
Every year I hear people bragging / bemoaning how much they've spent on Christmas this year, and later how Christmas is the same every year - blah blah blah, visited by the in-laws, crap tv. Well boo hoo - if you don't like it, don't do it!