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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

Amazing grace

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Everything posted by Amazing grace

  1. Thanks eider but we need 17 inch wheels ideally as the tyres are good and then we can straight swap but could go fore 18s if with tyres at a price, but thanks.
  2. Hello. could I ask for a picture please? thanks in advance edviss :-D
  3. May I ask how much do you want for the standard Supe wheels?? thanks sheena
  4. Thank you anyway i have been away and was not able to log in sorry for that glad you sold them however. thanks again sheena
  5. Please could anyone with standard or after market wheels for sale please drop me a line as I want to suprise my husband with wheels, his present wheels are no good and we want to go to France for a driving holiday. Any help will be very gratefully received drop me a line with telephone number and i will call asap as i would like these if possible for his Birthday pressie. Many thanks :-D. wheels need. I should have mentioned that the tyres he has are for a 17 inch wheel although i would go bigger if i can afford it??? Anyone else got more wheels please i am reachable on 07729871776 or if you supply me with your number i will call you. Many thanks again one and all. Sheena
  6. Hiya hogmaw, think it might have been me?? i am often on the A14 as i live in the Northampton area and i was driving really slow as my car is not a well lass at present but she will be returned to normal health very soon then i can drive at my usual speed, quick but not stupid i got nothing to prove lolol have a great day :-D
  7. Lol Thanks Dnk haha just havin a blonde moment, didnt see it honest
  8. Many thanks Ibrar Jabber, can i give you a ring to talk about payment and delivery please ??? Could you PM me your tel number please :-D
  9. i am in need of a rear anti roll bar for my supra :-D in excellent condition no corresion please . Keeping my fingers crossed If you have one please call me on 07901550944 many thanks / Sheena
  10. :kiss:Thank you to all for your very kind messages it is lovley to know my cake is so much appreciated pmsl!!!!!! i am on the mend and i can drive again in 2 weeks time as they discovered i have a fracture in my shoulder which means ihave to be strapped up But am now looking for a replacement Supe and will be highly mobile soon lolol lets meet up to celebrate life and choccy cake soon eh>???????? Dutch my huni sorry to have given you such a scare!!!! i will try very hard to not practise my James Bond parking anymore lol Love to all take care out there its slippy!!!! she xxx
  11. I will be along at the next meet Dutch my partner is also a member on here and we will come if you let me know when next meet is and yes i will bring Choccy cake lolol. Wayne huni she was indeed my new Gunmetal sitting on my drive and she was a find 1999 50k miles and newly arrived in the country i was the first registered UK owner i am trulu guttted not an easy thing to find a beauty like her and at a good price but then its a car i will find another soon till then i will drive Sjoerd 480bhp baby instead heheheh xxx be careful out there you all be safe ;-) xxx
  12. Thank you all for your comments and concern it is very good to know :-). I wasnt even doing any great speed as i have the greatest respect for the Supra esecially in the wet as i am more than aware of what they can be like but i have to say what happened took ne totally unawares no warning at all!!!! In answer to various questions it was on the lower part of the A24 Dorking end jusxt qt the bottom of the Horsham road dual carriage way bit i had literally just come off the roundabout lol my sideways tracks still very visable at the moment comming away from Dorking towards Horsham and i was only doing 45 50ish not even speeding it only goes to show our beasts need respect at ALL times lol. Of coursae i am getting another one you boys dont get rid of me that easy lolol and anyway who else would make you all choccy cakes lolol :-) xxx
  13. I was lucky to walk away from the wreckage of my new 1999 Supra last Monday 27th Sept. Lost her on the A24 hit something very slippery and lost the front end spun out in front of an oncomming lorry and then proceeded to shoot across a large expanse of grass verge hitting several trees and ending up nose tip up in a very deep ditch!!!!! Police and ambulance were very quick on the scene and i was carted off to redhill hospital. Police said i did very well to not turn her over and that no one could have recovered her from such a spin so i guess i did my best butas any of you who have had an accident in your cars will know when they go there is no stopping 3000 lbs of car!!!! I walked away with a deep cut to my elbow and some traumatized muscle very bad bruising but in general got off lightly i just thank God i am still here. o now i need another 1999 model low mileage supe lol i am not walking away just yet. However i cannot endorse more the fact that had i had my RLTC fitted i think i might have been lucky enough to have avoided this happeneing maybe not but i drove Gracie and in all conditions for 9yrs and nevefr had any trouble i have the new car less than 1 month and just in the week i was having the RLTC fitted thisx happened so please all be careful out there these cars are very dangerous in the wet please dont forget this. Sheena Amazing Grace
  14. Please may i have one :-) i will pay any way you wish just let me know oki? Please let me know if i am in time to join this group buy? thanks regards Amazing Grace sheena combridge :-)
  15. Sorry we missed this one folks had a family birthday:-) dutch and i will try to be at the next one though :-))))) when is it??? xxx
  16. right i have spoken to my other half( Dutch) and i think we will be there too :-)xxx 1. Jimojameso 2. Mwilkinson 3. Scooter 4. Jamiep 5. Tony b (badboy) 6. Pistonbroke 7. Suprasurrey 8. Supraturbochris 9. Darron q ( aka supra_plant ) 10. Budz86 11. Tjp 12. mitchell9006 13. Jeff R 14. Mr T 15. Ricky49 16. suprasize 17. Fitz 18. Supra-Woman (Jax) 19. Dutch 20. amazing Grace :-)
  17. Rosie huni it would be so good to see you!! its been way too long :-))))
  18. hello all just to let you know my lovely man now has a supra and i should have introduced him a while back so remiss lol he isnow a member and his handle is Dutch as he is lol he is the proud owner of a very lovely bronze NA supe of the tailless variety. Well what can i say lolol a man with taste in cars and ummmmmmm lolol :-) Anyway we will both be attending and cant wait to catch up with all u lot :-) see you there peeps !!! xxx
  19. Dutch and Amazing Grace we will be attending lolol see you there peeps :-) xxx
  20. Oki you guys i was there on sunday but i didnt see a single other supra lol my supe and our latest recruit were parked on the grass awaiting others !!! BUT NO ONE SHOWED UP Boo Hoo!! oki it was last minute i grant you but all the same it would be very good to see new faces and wonderful to see the regular members who used to always come hint hint I will post the next one up now so it cannot be missed and if i know people will come i will bake one of my bestest Choccy Cakes regards Amazing grace aka Sheena:p
  21. Come on you all please dont let this die i was at the Fairmile today and i enquired if there was still a date booked in their calendar for our club i was informed it was booked for tomorrow!!!! SO COME ON PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME THERE ALL ALONE ESPECIALLY AS I HAVE A NEW SUPRA OWNER WITH ME!!!!! THESE BASHES were a great laugh come on and lets be great again, I will be there from about 12.30 to 1 oclock ish so i will keep my fingers crossed oki??? sheena
  22. Come on i am about to leave to go there dont leave me all on my own lololol!!!! Sheena(aka The cake Lady ) lolol mwahhhhhh sheena xxxxx
  23. People please tell me why the meets were allowed to dwindle and then maybe we can re think venue day it occurs etc, its a shame to see these disappear as they were good fun and i personally miss seeing ur ugly mugs lolol :-) so come on give me your gripes and lets see what we can do oki????
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