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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

dangerous brain

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Everything posted by dangerous brain

  1. I took the old one off and put the new one on, simples no parts needed other than the steering wheel. Mine doesn't have cruise control so I don't really know how it would affect proceedings as I don't know if the cruise control is part of the steering wheel housing or separate from it. If the cruise control is integral to the steering wheel then maybe one of the rev 3 MR2's or similar year celica came with cruise control? Mine also doesn't have an airbag system. Dunno if it would be simple to retro fit the wiring and ECU/sensor to make use of the airbag?
  2. In went an MR2 steering wheel, Double DIN DVD player and smoked side indicators today lol
  3. Be easier to have an insurance policy that covers you to drive other cars that are insured under their own policies.
  4. Yeah actually as Si doesn't have a portal of any kind I can see how exactly does one go about ordering a set of lights?
  5. Do you do these on an exchange up-front basis or do you have a set of lights so I wouldn't have to lay the car up for whatever the turn around time is? I must have a set of these as seeing them on FOSTA's motor they are utterly incredible on a black motor!
  6. Salt flats suck a tonne of power out. Vehicles that should easily and do easily get to three figure speeds struggle to crack a ton on that surface. You'd need the test track that they run stuff like the Veyron up to top speed on to verify that speed. Mechanical gearing would I suspect be the hardest part to deal with as any engine producing the oomph to get a vehicle to 300 mph will be aspirated such that low rev power is difficult. I guess what I am saying is that any of the current drag or stock boxes currently going in to supra's would not manage this speed. Clearly there is a 300 mph club at the flats so they must manage it somehow.
  7. And that will cost you quite a wedge I imagine Chris. The megane ones you can find are in perfect condition (most of them) and are literally pennies. Obviously it involves climbing around in a megane engine bay at a breakers and obviously you'll need two cars worth as they are four pots but it is an uber cheap fix (probably cheaper than the abomination pictured in this thread)
  8. Wow patience in abundance lol. I got some aftermarket endless CCR ceramic pads on my Mk2 aristo that had dire braking and it made quite a significant difference to both feel, bite, effectivity and fade
  9. Well if we really do insist on breaking this down and being argumentative about it then I'll refute this comment. I didn't make negative comments I agreed that a deal that had been offered was in fact a good deal and supported my agreement with statements of fact not emotion or negativity! Until banned from doing so people can make their own minds up. It would be wrong to presume the entire nation cannot think or make informed decisions! The point here has been missed completely. I said if the cars price had been £500 more than it was I wouldn't have bought it. I would have bought something else and provided examples of what else could be bought. This is where anyone selling a car usually falls down. A complete lack of understanding of a market leads to unrealistic expectations. Any given car for sale is not only in competition with others in its own marque but those in other marques especially in a similar price range. To discount this is foolish. There is a hell of a lot that a newer car has that a supra doesn't have albeit these items can and are installed on an aftermarket basis hence the huge market for aftermarket accessories and equipment. I bought an N/A supra because it was £4.5k and ticks my boxes for now, I most certainly wouldn't have bought even a TT for £11k no denial required. I have a BMW as well btw! Again a bit of selective understanding and argumentative rewording of original quote is going on here. I said on the whole most people that want a supra have one. Providing an example of one person that says they have £10k to spend on a supra obviously refutes the entire point then? Seriously? As there is such a mass of people queuing to buy supras I am dumbfounded as to why it is so difficult to sell at the asking prices unless I am single handedly to blame with my shocking negativity. This isn't a matter of understanding. There are plenty to be found if you go looking for them admittedly there are less now for sale than a year ago but if you look at the ratio of wanted ads to for sale ads and the length of time supra's stay on the market the demand is still lower than supply. That is not an opinion its a researchable fact. The import market will clearly dry up as the cars ceased manufacture and the Japanese prefer newer things so have sold the majority of older car models. It has affected the prices of MK2 aristo's in Japan quite heavily but the value of Mk2 aristo's over here continues to plummet so a rarity in another country won't necessarily support a similar price rise in another country. Again I will refute the accusation I said any car was overpriced. Dealers have to pay less for a car than the open private market dictates and usually quite a long way below. 18% below the admitted slightly inflated asking price for haggling room from a dealer is not a bad deal at all. If the seller has a self admitted financial situation that requires a quick sale then turning down offers like the one the dealer made is leaving only one person short of easy money. I have deliberately kept this response impersonal as I don't want to be calling people childish names or getting into slagging matches I shall leave that to others.
  10. I merely offered seasoned advice. He was offered a price that given my experience and impartial overview I agreed with others was from a trader for a low hassle deal sensible as it goes. I supported my advice with reasoning not opinion and that was all. I could have said nothing and left the OP in his own extremely partial world where firstly he loses a relatively good and simple deal in order to hang onto and have to deal with a vehicle (again I have this experience I "looked after" the Do-Luck aristo for two years which was an absolute ball ache and is now harder due to insurance tax and MoT laws ever tightening not to mention the real estate it occupied for that time) but secondly if the market continues to fall which there is no indication that it won't the cars most likely to suffer are the ones that are until now holding their own as they have the most to lose and nothing really to gain! I shall refrain from commenting further and leave peoples for sale threads alone as some people just don't want to hear the truth. Clearly the emperor is wearing the finest of clothes so please proceed and ignore me
  11. It's not an opinion it is a fact my friend. Cars that hold their values or increase them in the face of growing economic down turns and altering market desires need to have a demand that out strips the supply, that is a fact. The supra is not managing this. No amount of holding out or attempted price fixing by a small percentage of owners (you'd need at least 75% of overall owners on board to form a price fixing co-operative for that to work) will be able to push the price of the cars up. A sudden rise in popularity or an even more sudden cessation of supply might see prices rise. If historical evidence is anything to go by there are plenty of supra's available if you look for them and not enough people looking to buy them. They simply would not stay on the market as long as some "hopefully priced" ones do if the market was snapping even poor ones up would they? I don't actually know what the average selling time is for the average car but my guess is that supra's that aren't priced "competitively" are considerably over that average (now that one is an opinion but research is likely to substantiate it) I know what a supra is worth right now as I just bought one. I am particularly impressed with what my money bought me. would I have paid another £500 for it? Nope I'd have bought something else like a BMW M3 instead. £12k gets you a lot these days like a much more modern M3 cabriolet that can manage 30MPG most days as will £9k. £12k will also buy you a BMW 330D cabriolet that admittedly won't be quite as fast as a BPU supra but it will have a roof you press a button to open and not one you have to wrestle into the boot, is much more modern a car and does 45MPG. This is what you are competing with on the modern market. The people that want supra's on the whole by now have one. It is highly unlikely that a scene is going to develop like the VW camper scene for instance that see's the supra catapulted into stardom and suddenly people will pay £10k for a shell that has been rotting for 25 years. The F&F films assisted with the overall exposure but to a certain degree fuelled the import craze which in turn created the glut of cars there is now. As for the argument that there is 30 million cars on the UK roads therefore I have one that is particularly rare then please feel free to go locate a 1993 escort, astra,205, ax gt, sierra etc and then agree to pay £12K for it. Cosworths if looked after maybe but only maybe and they are rarer than hens teeth!! Self inflicted disappointment means exactly what it says on the tin chap! Doesn't need explanation and if it does perhaps that is half the problem.
  12. Hi-Jack alert!!! Craig when are you going to admit that supra's are nicer than aristo's and buy one lol
  13. Or get yourselves down the local breakers and find a Renault megane as they have the exact same part number plugs. Why would you do that you ask? I dunno about on supras but on aging aristos the looms across the top of the engine to the coil packs and around the corner at the top of the cambelt cover and the next 9-10" of loom suffers very heavily from heat damage to the wiring insulation and subsequently some quite severe corrosion to the conductive material as well. On a megane breaker you'll get the same plugs for absolute pennies that have not been subjected to the sort of temps that a 2JZ lump will provide and you'll be able to clip out a couple of feet of wire and significantly less brittle convoluted tubing as well giving you a decent repair loom option should you need it. This repair is well documented on the aristo forum.
  14. I think there is a certain level of denial going on in here. The cars age is heading over the 20 year marker and there's relatively loads of them. The market price is driven by the mean. That is an average of the utter piles of dog turd to the pristine. There are increasingly more turds about as the financial position of the country has bitten more and more. I'd have a tendency to agree the marque would have held its values a lot stronger had there been no imports similar in fashion to Honda NSX prices for instance. In the seven years since I sold my last one the price of fuel has rocketed and the economy has slumped twice. If you genuinely believe that the marque has improved its standing in the overall market across that time so that a car can hold respectively the same value whilst racking up miles and age then I sympathise with your self inflicted disappointment. As far as modifications go we all know that financially speaking it is a mugs game. People really do expect something for nothing in the market place and have done for many years. If you want to know the true value of your P&J modification advertise it second hand and see what the real value of it is. Supra brakes seem to me to be the only part that seems to buck that trend. Say you took a 3 grand retrim out of a car and tried to sell it even a week later. You'd be quite fortunate if it got you back a grand. If you want a strong price for a high condition car you need time and fortune on your side. Without both of those things in your favour some shrewd bugger is going to walk away with your hard earned. It's unfortunate but it is true.
  15. Because the lot that attacked the wall from the south were a scouting party that had already climbed the wall when they had John Snow with them remember? Harder to sneak 100k armed individuals a bunch of giants and giant mammoths past the guards though methinks
  16. I may have to pick up the bookset I was given for Christmas as I don't want to wait a year to find out the rest of the story lol
  17. Another thought. How do you get the gear knob off?
  18. Now there is one other option for me and my dash. Some-one paid a lot of money to put this wrap on which appears to be the proper job (just not to our taste). Maybe instead of ripping it off I could find someone else that wants this on their dash that would straight swap it out with mine.
  19. Where do you buy this stuff from?
  20. Ah so yes not massively expensive at all. Cheers for the heads up on plastidip that is exactly what I would like the panels to look like although painted gloss black is rather nice too. I imagine no matter what spray on product you use the surface will need to be flat.
  21. You can also swap in a full set of clear lights and use coloured bulbs which is what I want to do
  22. £46 apparently Which aint bad to refresh the interior. Now need to strip the fake carbon off the dash (it's bad enough when it remains bonded on but looks cheap and tacky when it bubbles all over the place) I imagine that I will need to strip all of the rubber coating off as the carbon wrap won't come off without damaging the rubber coating. Time to paint another dash I guess.
  23. Are you methuselah with a zero mile policy parked in an nuclear level armed guarded facility? My nan doesn't even get that low insurance on a 1.0 fiesta ffs
  24. Just bought a steering wheel to stick on. Lining up some glass headlights (I think I need bulb holders as well). Almost bought one new UK spec caliper as they only had one side in stock but couldn't remember what a new one costs through Steve Manley (anyone want to let me know that would be appreciated). After that I think I'd like to get a carbon TRD spoiler.
  25. The gear knob is worn quite heavily on the car I am picking up this weekend. From memory the one on my old aerotop was the same. It's a bit of a bug bear and makes the interior look untidy. I know there are Razo aftermarket jobbies but I personally don't think these are in keeping with the car. Any ideas on something that looks stock or where to get a good condition stock item from?
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