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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by shaf

  1. i had a stella once ..... she was feisty
  2. ask for an extra 20k on top
  3. looks pants! ....... can i have it??
  4. oooo thats tempting ...... not!!!!!
  5. im importing my car from japan through jurgan at the mo and so far his communication and help throughout the whole process has been awesome. recommended
  6. wow, i bet when they told their mates that their car flew, they werent joking..... but they didnt have to prove it did they
  7. i would go for the civic, looks nice and goes nice
  8. lol, i thought it was 165..... but maybe clarkeys gps was out
  9. tell me about it, last time you were pulled in basingstoke, me and poxy had to wait for 30 minutes whilst you bored the t1ts off the cops and oxy bored the t1ts off me with his whinging about going back to help you out... yeah that would of worked with 2 souped up motors turning up saying we werent racing
  10. saw your supe at bri's earlier having the blitz fitted...... at what point did you realise that your old hks one was a gonner exactly?? it was more rust than exhaust from what i saw and holier than mother theresa
  11. yep, second that. paul is a top notch geezer.... but then most people on here know that anyway
  12. shaf


    insects..... cos they are small, quick and hairy custard.... cos it's yellow and goooey the ocean..... always had a fear of it being an uncontrollable force, so huuuge and all encompassing. anyone see the perfect storm... it's a little bit like that big fish..... cos they are absolutely enormous
  13. fancy meeting my stalker here...... leave me alooooooooone!!!
  14. true that, after seeing CJ in the flesh, i havent even remotely been scared by any horror film
  15. shaf

    PS2 probs

    should still be under warranty, give it back
  16. yeah they belong to my dad and i would blame him but he's not even in the country right now
  17. cheers mate, much appreciated..... i had nightmares last night, dreamt i had the kitty in a cardboard box trying to get out and i wouldnt let it because it was hissing and sh1tt..... i think im over it now though
  18. im gonna go and watch pet rescue, maybe that will make me feel better
  19. i reckon they will be all the rage over here in 10 years time
  20. thats 20 seconds of your time taken up
  21. lol at trig the owners have just been round, they were in their 60's the woman was extremely upset and irrational whereas the guy was a bit more reserved. woman was crying and stuff, they put him in a carrier and took him away im ok though
  22. i've just phoned them as there was a sign on the lamp post down the road and left a message. dont want to have to break the bad news to them.... but as you say, they need to know. tried a few places but no ones answering their phones
  23. i've been told the RSPCA dispose of them..... not sure. no, looks like it died peacefully, no marks on it. i thought it was asleep at first until my mate says is was stiff. my bro has just found the owner, have to ring them now
  24. went into the garage today to have a show off the TRD MR2.... saw dirty paw prints all over the car and made a comment in jest that im gonna kill that cat when i get my hands on it next thing, i see the ginger tom lying down next to the car.... it's dead errrrrr, sh1t i didnt mean it how am i supposed to dispose of it guys... i dont wanna dig on a cold, wet night like this and i aint got any concrete left from the last hit i made 8-[ seriously, how do i get rid of it?? it's the first kill in the TRD MR2..... and i wasnt even driving it R.I.P moggy.... it wasnt me
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