Albert and Joe when above and beyond when it came to sorting my car out. Despite realising half way through the work that it had had a blow over at some point in it's past they still managed to match the paint perfectly. Red is not an easy colour to match, especially on a 9 year old car that has also had a blow over yet they got it right. Further more, they didn't charge any extra, a real rarity these days.
I've had work done on several cars I've owned over the years at various diferent places and I can honestly say that the fitment, colour match and quality of parts is excelent and I will definitely be using them again.
Oh, and I refrained from commenting on the Turbo Fit thread, but sod it, in for a penny, in for a pound. Having been to MANY tuning garages around the country and dealt with some right tossers I can honestly say that Greg and Sam were a delight to visit no matter what was being done to my car at the time. The nature of the tuning game is that things will go wrong, people on this board seem to think that the world owes them something and like to whinge when things don't go 100% their way. If you want a reliable car, go by a new Type-R and only do breathing mods. Don't buy a bloody 13 year old car, double its HP and then expect it to last forever, all for a few grand.
Bah, I'm f**ked off now, got to find somewhere new to take my car for repairs. *Wanders round room looking for things to kick*