well.... it was about 10.30pm last Sunday night and their was a knock at the door...the missus went and answered it (with dog in tow), so there was this chap and this woman standing their saying "sorry luv...but..err..we've broken down right outside your aouse..any chance you or someone could run us down the petrol station to get a can of fuel?"...."We hav kids in the moter and cant leave vem!"So i then step in..."hello" i say"what the matter?"He goes through it all again.... so i think.. OK it Christmas and feel for them a little and go on to them and say "OK give me a Minute and I will get a can from the garage and give you a lift up there"At this point I must stress the garage is a couple of miles away...not just round the corner.So i get into the garage and realise I already have a full can of petrol in their that I keep for the lawn mower. so I take it down to where they are, at the end of my drive, and tell them "look... I have this already! your more than welcome to use and return it full when your next passing"In saying this I look into the back seat of their shabby old fiesta where two young children gazing up at me! and they both looked as if they would rather be at home in bed.She..the woman is also gabbing onto him saying " give him a fiver..go on give him some money for it!""I insist that its not a problem just fill it up and drop it off tomorrow" i say "and the kids look tired"So i give them the can keeping the filler neck in my hand thinking this will stop them pinching it....The resultno sign of any sh*tty blue fiesta with two chavs in it waving a thank-you card and a full full can...so ive been knocked,turned over,conned,swindled and this is what you get nowadays for being kind to people!!But i was pointed out to me by a close friend that perhaps they were checking out the place to rob it?
Well maybe maybe not i don't know all i do know is they have spoiled it for anybody else who comes knocking on my door....at the very least i will take the bl**dy fiver next time:blink:
Happy Christmas.....