Thanks guys! Great valuable info there! Previous owner kept mentioning it's nothing major and that it'll be able to hold itself up without repairs, but I don't really trust him.
The inspection did not specify any frame damage except for the front radiator support, I do suppose the brackets still line up. It is a 25 year old I guess, not expecting an accident free car, just worried it's something major. Thanks for the feedback!
I've been reading the forums, and it seems to be a cross of opinions regarding having an after market crank pulley or having a stock one. I understand the benefits of going stock, but what are the cons of having an aftermarket one?
It does not have an undertray. Owner says it was removed as it's mainly driven on highways and it doesn't snow here. I reckon' there's plenty of things leaking underneath, just not particularly apparent. I think you're right on the crank seal, would have it looked at. All these seem like pretty hefty repairs.
I'm not sure how much these MKIV are going for privately, but I got it for just under £10k, would you guys say its a good buy?