Hi guys,
Just looking for some help with my 1993 Supra J-Spec Hardtop N/A Manual.
About 4 weeks ago I was out driving and the wires fell out of the plug of my idle air control valve, this caused the engine to rev itself between 1.5k and 3k. Since I reinserted the wires that issue has subsided. However, now the car is running very rich with black smoke and now it won't rev past 4k. At 4k its like its limiter bashing. When it's idle the engine seems to be running very slow just by eye and sits at apparently 1.5k. I haven't been driving it but when I do to troubleshoot it will also surge up and down under load.
Things I've tried already:
Spark plugs changed and gaped correctly (Correct according to these forums)
Changed spark plug leads
Soaked O2 sensors in petrol overnight to clean
Adjusted TPS as best I could (couldn't get resistance below 1.3)
Checked for a vacuum leak
Just a guess, but could the wires that came out of the IACV have touched together (they were rubbing against each other) and shorted the ECU or something?
Does anyone have any other ideas before I sell my soul to Toyota?