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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

Matt B

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Everything posted by Matt B

  1. Just do your self a favour, don't get in anyones car who has one. I reckon that after a go in one you'd be hooked.
  2. I have not looked myself but are you expected to put your address in along with other details? Not sure I would want to be telling people where to look if they fancy a nice modded Soop??? Maybe I'm paranoid.
  3. Will that cover the bill then mate??? Might have to think about that one.
  4. Dude, You do realise that you may have cost me my bird... First it was the money and now I took her for spin last night and she was well scared, she reckon's it's way to quick.... Reckon's it feels unsafe... Maybe it's just my driving... Still at least I've got my Soop back...
  5. Matt B

    Wanna-be !!!

    All money and no sense... That is rank!!
  6. No offence meant mate... Only driven standard UK's:)
  7. To Dude and all the boys at Vortex, Just wanted to say "WOW "and "Thanks ". Finally got my car back last night after all my trouble and strife and I am so pleased with it. :D As some of you may know I had lot's of trouble with my car not least of which was the turbo's giving up the ghost on me. But that's all behind me now as I now have a very sexy looking single under my hood... After my turbo's going Dude and Terry were very supportive and sorted me out as quickly as possible (Money Permitting) Now Matty Harwood is sorting the Electrics and bits for me. So I'm now running a Boostlogic T61 with 650's and an S-AFC along with other goodies and the power difference feel's immense. I now really can say that I have no regrets and although reliability is yet to be proved I think my turbo's going was a blessing in disguise. If you're thinking of going single you really should not worry about lag etc as I find the power now much smother and the noise... Well I just can't get enough of it. As for Lag I don't think it has anymore than standard and I would say less than a UK (Well the one's I have driven anyway) Anyway I'll stop going on now and just say thank you so much to all who have helped me get my car back on the road and specifically Dude for sorting all the shit with the MOT out for me. Cheers...
  8. Matt B


    Did You Know? Until 150 years ago, no one used the word hello. People always said, "Good day" or "How do you do?" People did shout Hallo! (a word that means "Hey there!") to get someone's attention. From a distance, hallo sounded like hello, so hallo changed to the word you might use to greet your friends today. Anyway Hello.... :D
  9. That's well cheeky... I guess there's one born every minute...
  10. Does the car warm up enough in that short distance to enable you to tank it?? I always drive a few miles or so to let her warm up before going for it all guns blazing...
  11. I'm just wondering what version you have? NTSC or PAL?
  12. Just read this... I'm real sorry for you mate. Does look really bad but once stripped the major stuff may be okay.... Like evrything else I guess, depends how much your willing to spend to keep her alive.
  13. Matt B


    What do blondes and Prawns have in common? Their heads are full of shit, but the pink bits are nice.
  14. Matt B


    What happened when the prawn went club-hopping? He pulled a mussel!
  15. Matt B

    My car

    I was just thinking while reading this thread that this has been asked loads before and the person asking never seems to like the answers.. To be honest I probably wouldn't either but then I suppose the question is "Why ask?" You can't ask a question and then get annoyed when people answer. Just my 2p
  16. Which headunit is it? Some are better at other's when it comes to reception. I've had two new ones in mine and the Alpine I have now is much better than the Kenwood before...
  17. I'll second that, it's just really nice to see 2 very quick soops out there competing. Full respect to CRD for choosing the soops over the skylines. I see you guys have a few nice soops in your possesion. Can't wait for next year. Might even have a go myself...
  18. Why not??? He beat the CRD one fair and sqaure did he not? Times are one thing, but doing it when the pressure is really on is what counts... All IMO
  19. What can I say... Excellent day. I was loving the drag finals..... Dude is deffo the forum daddy now, proven fastest Soop in the UK... It was so close at the end, gutting thing was that the winning time was slower than dude had gone earlier in the day. Was a bit sad to see all the lovley Soops and still not have mine but hopefully not long now... Just a couple of complaints though, I could never read the screen to see who was winning and what the f**k was the trophy bit at the end about??? I don't understand how dude could wind the RWD final, the RWD v FWD Final and then be runner up in the grand final but not get trophies for each win??? I reckon Dude should have walked away with more than he did.
  20. Matt B

    700bhp supra

    Blimey... I must have been a lucky one...
  21. Matt B

    700bhp supra

    Just thought I would throw in my 2p here... I can't go on others experience but my wheels from Supra Stores and all went through absolutely fine. They had them in stock and they even arrived in 5 days... Too be honest I could not fault them from a sale perspective. I'm not saying the big BHP kits they do are any good cos I would not know and I'm buying from Terry myself (Must say something) I just know others on here have also used them and all have been fine... Two sides to every story I guess. Cheers:cool:
  22. Matt B


    10's on the Front!!! Or am I reading this wrong? Not sure that's quite right - Probably more like 8.5 or 9's...
  23. When I got my car originally from JIC they gave me a bit of paper with grades and descriptions similar to the above...
  24. I think the fact your even thinking about it tells you what you need to know.. I think you will know when you have found the right car. This does sound a little overpriced to me and as for him advertising it wrong... That's his problem, there is no way I'd pay for his mistake if I were you.. Good luck in finding a good un. Cheers:thumbs:
  25. Justin, Just to add my thoughts for you. I can't imagine there is anything worse so I really feel for you mate. I know it's hard to believe now but the main thing is that you are okay.. Although when I've had a car smashed before I never really gave a shit about myself at the time... Hope it all works out for you mate. Good luck with finding another... P.S I love the diagram... I normaly end up with crappy box cars when I fill out the insurance forms...
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