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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. I've spoken with them and they've said they will update in due course. I've told them not to rush as it isn't a priority. Like many others, I have family who are in the hospitality trade and I'm just hoping they can adapt like many other businesses are attempting to. If my small fee goes towards helping that then I'd be happy enough with that, they're lovely people and the site is a great half a day out
  2. Unfortunately just seen the news that Caffeine and Machine will be closing its doors until this virus outbreak is over. Therefore the meet will be OFF. I'm unsure what they're going to do with these pre-purchased tickets but I will ask them for more information
  3. Hey mate, It's all still a go; they've just adjusted their opening times slightly to compensate so far
  4. Hey mate, We now have the numbers; 15 of us going and still got a few more people interested and looking at booking over the next month. I've got a couple people going who I know run car photography accounts aswell so should be able to get some good pics of all the cars aswell
  5. Crossy

    Snow foam

    Snow foam will loosen the dirt, but heavily built up dirt will need a bit of extra product to help shift it before contact washing. Spraying a bit of a pre-wash, followed by a good snow foam and jet wash will do the job if it's not been sat more than a week or so, but only if the sealant on the paint is good and stops the dirt binding to the paint/lacquer. Most of the cars you see that are spotless after a snowfoam in all of their advertising fail to mention that the car has a ceramic coating (or similar) I can talk you through the most time effective practices if you need any extra info, but a lot of the detailers "secrets" are genuinely public knowledge nowadays so pretty well known. A good pre-wash spray, soak for a few mins, a snow foam coating left to soak and run down followed by a jetwash should be enough to keep dirt at bay if done regularly, but you're never going to have it clean (without contact washing) unless you're ceramic coated etc
  6. Crossy

    Snow foam

    I can personally vouch for this one: https://www.juicy-details.co.uk/product/juicy-details-snow-foam-lance-uk/ Been using mine for about 2 years and hasn't failed me yet. I can get you 15% off your basket aswell if you drop me a PM
  7. Another Payday Bump. Could do with a few more takers for this. Link to Caffeine and Machines Instagram page: https://instagram.com/caffeineandmachine?igshid=1ia8qikyqn4t8 Should be a great and relaxed day out, and an excuse enough for a road trip!
  8. Bump. Check the site out on Instagram or Facebook, its definitely worth the drive
  9. Payday bump! We're 10/15 minimum needed currently
  10. As I've organised it I'm going to try and get there as early as possible. Caffeine and Machine are hugely experienced with running events at their place so it should all go smoothly. I'll probably try and get there around 8am
  11. If you arrive at 10am you'll still be part of the group stand mate, we will just have to ensure that the Marshall's know to direct you to us
  12. Nice one mate. Look forward to seeing that aswell then
  13. Hamilton - Its an all day thing mate. People might leave by lunchtime but I imagine the majority should still be there if we're enjoying it. Not sure actually, I'll forward the info onto Branners! Was hoping this would have a few more names as definites once we had hit payday haha, hopefully it will pick up now
  14. Then I doubt they'll have us on the front court just outside the building. You'd probably get a lot more out of talking to their event organiser as I'm not entirely sure. I made sure we had at least 20 interested over a few avenues of social media before I pulled the trigger on booking
  15. They asked for at least 15 from me, although they can cater to around 25 on the front. That doesnt include the 100s of spaces they have elsewhere on the site
  16. You're doing a top job all involved. It is appreciated, without the work you put in we wouldnt have this absolute wealth of knowledge to fall back on and communicate over. Other car groups honestly aren't so lucky, or end up losing it all over issues like those you're tackling
  17. Loads of spaces at Caffeine and Machine mate if you look at their pages; although it wont be directed by the stewards into the allocated Supra parking, it will have a place nearby in parking no doubt!
  18. RESCHEDULED FOR 18TH OCTOBER - 9.30am until 12pm Everyone who previously booked a ticket for 5th April will have their tickets transferred to the new date automatically. Extra people who want to purchase a ticket contact Caffeine and Machine directly until they build a link with password to buy the tickets! Hi guys, separate post so that all see that this is a go; Slot is booked for us at Caffeine and Machine on Sunday 5th April! Arrival before 9am, and can now leave whenever you like. Once you've booked yourself your ticket, which is £10 (comes with a free hot drink, their coffee is great, a bacon or sausage roll, and a C&M piece of memorabilia which I think is a sticker), drop a "In and paid" message below and I'll add you to my list here! Information as follows: 1- Visit:^https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/caffeine-machine-pre-booked-parking-2020-tickets-85473859615?aff=ebdssbdestsearch 2- Select the date from the drop-down,^(05/04/2020) 3- Click ’Tickets’ 4- Click ‘Enter Promo Code (in blue at the top) 5- Enter^supra 6- Unlocks the ‘Featured Club’ ticket option 7- Select your ticket (only purchase a Featured Club ticket!) 8- Follow the payment instructions on the screen to complete your order In and Paid List: 1. Crossy 2. Spunkmeyer 3. Sheefa 4. m12aak 5. Delboy52 6. nolizma 7. Foxx 8. JordieMotive 9. Hughdahellru 10. Connor (via Messenger) 11. Dom/Corrupt Saphire 12. Ashley Whitsey (via Facebook) 13. Paul Hogarth (via Facebook) 14. Shane Hogarth (via Facebook) 15. Luke Adam (via Facebook)
  19. Crossy

    FAO Mawby

    GT4 forum had this about 5 years ago, ended up being hit with ransomware and the people in control never managed to get the site back. I'm sure there's a backup in place to contain all of the info on here, but may be worth making one if not!
  20. Put the application in for that date yesterday evening! Currently have 17 interested including me. I'll confirm it all once I hear back from them
  21. https://instagram.com/caffeineandmachine?igshid=1s4dko89zq0tt CV377NS - Stratford upon Avon Link to it via Instagram!
  22. I currently have 12 people including myself down through various avenues of social media. As soon as we hit 15 I'll pull the trigger and book it. Its worth noting that I've been told Retro Toyota Day is on the same day if that changes anything for anyone...
  23. You're more than welcome to come! They take all sorts of cars in during the day, we will just be the only group allowed to make a show out of the immediate forecourt in front of the building. Plenty of parking in other areas though the place is huge!
  24. Well spotted haha. It is Sunday 5th April. That'll teach me for rushing!
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