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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

Wonga Spar

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Everything posted by Wonga Spar

  1. I'm sorry. I hate my job, ran out of cigarettes and got drunk, it's not been my night. Picking political fights on a car forum is dumber than dumb.
  2. If a degree is worthless, then the country is a mess. Thanks for clarifying. And? My mum was a hairdresser and bought a house at 20. But thanks mate, if I was reluctant to make a political point on a car board you've made it for me. Baby boomers getting everything they could want with nothing but hard work, then blaming millennials for getting degrees which offer no financial security or return on investment. THEN proceeding to claim they know what's best, vote leave, and continue the trend of pulling the country in a direction youngens want no part of.
  3. I just spent £49,000 getting a degree, and have absolutely 0% chance of owning a house by the time I'm 30. My ability to move freely around Europe is on countdown, some of my friends will likely be unable to stay in the country if they don't marry. There's a person running the country that nobody voted for. Sterling has never been more worthless. British exporters that are too small to be safe are about to be hit head-on by a perfect storm of uncertain futures, legislative brick walls and financial disaster. Rock on, baby.
  4. Mate, I really don't care. The day I meet and have a conversation with somebody who has a job and voted leave, I'll let you know. Until then, my point isn't retarded, it isn't anything. It's an observation. If you'd like to look at statistics that explore education/vote and age/vote that's your prerogative (wouldn't recommend it), but you can preach what you want, where you want, to whom you want. I don't care. The country is in a total mess, and every educated person I look up to unanimously agree it's a disgrace (and also voted remain).
  5. I'm still yet to meet somebody that voted leave who actually has a job. They seem to be either retired or on the dole. Helping the economy of course.
  6. Eh, one was Brexit, one was traders flipping cars. Hot topics.
  7. People wear a lot of hats in SME's. Sadly ours isn't nearly that interesting. Anyway, I'm not here to argue. I've had this discussion with some scarily intelligent and knowledgeable people, their position is as unanimous as it is damning. You don't take your Supra to Titan, get their professional opinion, and then proceed to ignore it, stick your finger up at them, call them "elite snobs with a vested interest" and walk away. Anyway, let's hope they're wrong, because it's done now. Edit: For the record, I'm just as pissed off as you that parliament even has the capability of overruling a public vote of this scale (even if we all knew the public opinion doesn't formally "decide" anything). It's wrong. That said, we can assume these laws are in place from olden-times to prevent the historically uneducated mass 'peasantry' of bygone centuries from overthrowing the decisions of elected officials. It's ironic that in 2016 this isn't actually that far from the truth.
  8. In this particular instance, the "accountant" is also the CFO.
  9. Of course not. Nigel-down-the-road knows best! Who would want to trust the fate of the country into the hands of people who're actually paid to give their opinion on economical matters? You know what? Next time I want mortgage advice, mechanical advice, medical advice or legal advice, I'll go to facebook and ask Nigel-down-the-road.
  10. Am in business, with a good relationship with our accountant. The certainty of Brexit is much more dangerous to our economy than any uncertainty of Brexit. Abandoning the public's decision however, is more dangerous than both. We ourselves so it's time to chew on the consequences, it'll be interesting to see who we blame for this further down the line, you know, without all those pesky immigrants and so-called-elites calling the shots.
  11. I'll look for a hairdresser with one then.
  12. There was a thread ages ago that basically concluded it was a shit show. Corroded through the roof, hadn't started it etc. The sellers don't seem particularly helpful/friendly either, really wouldn't get involved, by all accounts they paid £800 for it (and it came with a free E46 M3). Hold the phone. Aren't you the guy that "bought" it?
  13. Been reading all morning, very inclined to think it's predetonation/timing/fuel octane. A full service should tell me a lot and I guess once I've found a good mechanic I'll take it from there. Thanks fellas.
  14. Sorry, I edited my initial post after seeing your comment. It's a 95 NA-5. Thanks, me too! I hope so, just seems strange it does it so in sync with the engine, yet isn't RPM dependent (if that makes sense).
  15. My wallet is definitely pinging. And will probably be pinging for the foreseeable future. I don't know what a missfire feels like, the power delivery is dead smooth, the noise just gets progressively louder, assume if it was this maybe delivery wouldn't be? Yes, between the headers and the first cat, I can't see or hear anything though. I'm a bit of a spaz, and wouldn't know where to begin diagnosing an exhaust rattling noise. Sadly don't know anybody in Bath. Hard to source because I can only hear it when driving. Will take some pics in an hour or so. It is indeed. Still can't regret it yet as I knew it would have something wrong but I paid half of what I originally budgeted so I'm not that worried about indulging it a bit. Plus condition wise outside of this rattle it's genuinely immaculate and the paperwork shows the miles are legit until at least 2006. Although if it's the big ends or something I'll be eating these words.... (which it shouldn't be as it idles fine). Need to find a local mechanic that seems trustworthy, assume I should avoid big chains.
  16. Hi fellas, Finally bought a Supra and on the test drive I didn't notice anything unusual, maybe I was a bit too nervous to hoon it, however on the way home quickly realised putting my foot deep into the accelerator produces an uncomfortable rattling sound. It's got a metallic twang to it and kinda sounds like a go-kart engine is strapped under the bonnet. Worth noting there's no obvious loss to performance (not that I'd know anyway). It's not RPM dependent as if I verrrry gradually build up the revs it doesn't come on, however putting the accelerator down an inch or so quite rapidly brings it on. From the reading so far it's apparently injectors (although can't rule out more.... uncomfortable problems). Inclined to think it's not a bearing as it doesn't do it when not accelerating. Guess the questions are does this sound like injectors, and what am I looking at to get this fixed? I'm borderline blithering-idiot mechanically (at the moment at least) and have no daylight hours in the week. Reckon I could drop it at the local garage or does this require somewhere more specialist? Thanks! Edit: It's '95 NA-5 Saw online somebody said carbon buildup? The car has covered 200 miles in the last year so maybe it has something to do with that?
  17. Bloody hell you're quick, this couldn't have been on ebay more than 20 minutes! Looks brilliant, but that picture really doesn't do the colour justice.
  18. I've spoken to him and got an agreed price. He's sent some pics of the underside: http://imgur.com/a/fgOor
  19. Much appreciated fellas, I'm writing up a list of things to ask him about today, one of which will definitely be about paperwork over the years proving the mileage is consistent. Bit silly of him to lie about the MOT when it's public knowledge, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume it's just laziness, and none of the failures are really red-flags. Really appreciate the offer Mike, I was considering putting up an ad or something saying I'd offer a member a few quid to help me out on the day. If the seller holds up through the interrogation this afternoon I'll pm you Seller is working all weekend but his friend is a trader and has agreed to conduct the handover if necessary (assume this isn't a red-flag). As always, thanks for the advice fellas, hopefully this won't draw on much longer and I'll be posting juicy project logs rather than endless buying questions!
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