Being my first of probably many posts on this forum, firstly hello all
So as you've probably guessed I'm looking to get started in purchasing and later-on developing a MkIV Supra, and have a fair few questions that I'd appreciate any insight on. Gunna hit you with a bit of backstory as I'd love some input on how smart/stupid my thought-processes are and which direction I should be taking.
So, I'm 23, been driving for 5 years, just finished University and have spent the last 9 months working my first grad job paying off debts. The debts are paid off and it's (finally) time to start working towards the long-term car plan of- you guessed it.
The first thing I'd love to enquire about is Supra value inflation. I've watched these cars slowly but surely increase in value over the last 5 years, and it's terrifying me. I'd love to hear any discussion/input about where this inflation is going, If somebody is going to tell me with good reasoning that this car should increase 10-15% per year, I will hold off another 6 months until more money is in my pocket. If you guys think these cars could soon turn to hot-shit collectors items and I should employ the grab-it-while-I-can attitude, then let's do this shit, I'll be looking to buy. Worst-case scenario I'll be buying it and putting it in my garage for a year, then looking to start work on it in the future.
To be clear, I should not be looking to buy this car at the moment, and it will involve taking out a large loan. My job is stable and I'm on mid-20k salary but my first question is how deep am I getting myself in buying a 20-year-old performance car on borrowed money. Yes this will be a daily driver (for about 6 months).
The second thing is values. Being really honest, while performance is a huge factor, I'd consider any Supra. There's always time to sell/upgrade in the future, but I see the Supra market in the same light as the housing market, get on it and work your way up. At the moment I'm thinking 3-8k for NA Auto, 8-13k for TT Auto or Manual NA, and 15K+ for Turbo+Manual. How accurate am I here, and where would you suggest I start?
I'm not keen on paying top dollar for "stock" / untouched examples, tacky body-kits don't scare me and can easily be removed in the future, I'm interested in maximum-Supra for minimum-money, happy to spend the time un-doing some molestation the car might have suffered if it saves me £2k. Yes it's a short-sighted approach, but I'm in this for the long-run, and I'm not 30y/o with plenty of capital in my hands who can pay top-dollar for an unmolested example. With this in mind, which direction would you guys point me in?
Lastly, daily driving. Would it be as stupid as my friends/colleagues make it sound? Daily driving a collectors car? Or would you say screw it, do what makes you happy, the repair bills won't be that bad.
So in short, I'd love to hear about inflation rates, values of NA/TT/Manual/Auto configurations (year doesn't really bother me, and I can worry about aesthetics after narrowing down my understanding engine/trans configuration values) and where you'd recommend I start.
I appreciate I've just joined here and launched into an essay, but I plan on sticking around here now that my finances are somewhat in place, and I'm really looking forward to getting active on these boards, and greatly appreciate any input/direction you kind lot can offer. I've never had much of an interest in "normal" cars, and can comfortably see myself staying on the Supra-ladder indefinitely.
Little/Some mechanical background, currently driving a Gen 7 Celica.
TL;DR I'm young and stupid, can somebody let me know if even considering a Supra is stupidity squared.
EDIT: If this is utterly ridiculous, let me have it. I'd love nothing more than for somebody to sit me down and tell me how unfathomably stupid considering this investment is. I'm looking at the performance, iconic styling and my personal fascination with the car, weighing it up next to other 2012 3-Series my mates are all buying, and thinking I don't see the downside of a Supra. If this is utterly ignorant and I deserve to be called a prat, let me have it. If however, it's not all that big-and-scary, and loaning 80% of a 12k car (that isn't exactly a 2015 Fiesta in terms of sensibility) isn't as stupid as I'm consistently told, then let's buy one of these bad-boys and I can continue to harass you lot for the next 8 months while I try and fix it.
Looking forward to hearing from you fellas!