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blythmrk last won the day on June 26

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  1. Not this year buddy
  2. I did option 2 but had the glass removed and full prepped and painted
  3. blythmrk

    VIN search

    A HPI check will give you the last few digits
  4. Good luck in the future buddy Are you still going to be active on here and keep the UK database upto date?
  5. I think I may have a pair of used ones in really good condition I thought you could still buy these new?
  6. blythmrk


    Set of oem 17s?
  7. I think I may have these and the rack mounting brackets and bolts. Let me check and I will get back to you
  8. Thanks buddy it makes the many hours worth while by me and Ellis
  9. Welcome back to the fold! I am only just down the road in Sheffield
  10. Found it it’s filthy as it’s been on my workbench for years!
  11. I just need to remember to look in the garage at home as I am sure I had one!
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