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Everything posted by Fifty

  1. Hi Buster Actually it was rainin heavy yesterday; mind you its only rained 5 times since last May!!!! We watch UK TV and obviously can see Plymouth is under water.... Rich
  2. Whoa Suddenly an EMailo about that Plymouth meet so long ago; Hi Buster, Wile hows it going. Me, Im still in Portugal..... Rich
  3. Fifty


    Thats a bit of a defunct section lol Yes indeed I use a 40D with 100-400 + Canon 1.4 TC II I used a fix so autofocus works pretty well. BTW you can see lots of pics by following the "buy print" link (there is a link back to the blog) bear in mind the Costa Rican shots were taken before I had learned much so some are pretty awful compared to my shots now. Thanks for readingf the blog hope you find it informative
  4. Fifty


    Hi Andy nice to hear from you and thanks for posting on the blog; I hope it gives a feel for the places we travel let me know if you need any advice/links Rich
  5. Fifty


    Hi GUYS Yep too many jungle trails lol back in UK for whats left of the summer, then back to Costa Rica prob late August Do you guys not read the blog? Still doin my wildlife photography heres a Bellbird:) Rich
  6. Fifty


    Hows all just back from Panama! more wildlife pics lol Rich
  7. Oh Hi Michael well was just a pic from local area while Im here; not a very exciting subject; just practice in exposure/feather details etc.Hers a head crop to show, you can see the light was harsh and to the left so not ideal. bear in mind some loss of quality to post here. Birds are a real challenge; perhaps one of the hardest to get right. One of the best forums to see the incredible results people achieve is http://www.birdphotographers.net, have a look, awesome wildlife work. my pics are at http://www.coati.smugmug.com also flickr stream at http://www.flickr.com/tamandu nice to hear from you Rich
  8. Hi Ed miss the Supra - well to be honest, sometimes, but the adrenaline rush I get when the Discovery does 5 miles without an issue is adequate compensation lol Im only around for 3 months in the year now so Supra wud be a mistake Life is interesting; have seen many things, mostly good I have to say, and looking forward to more. I'm really not happy about the UK but circumstances mean I have to be here till January. I then plan to get to the Amazon. My passion for wildlife drives me on, and I have been studying the technicalities of w/photography hard. We are both at our happiest out in the wild places, though this does cost a lot. I am hoping to be eaten by an anaconda just before the money runs out lol. take care Rich
  9. Have a good day Tom; my daughter gets married 22 Nov -- eek got to right my speech lol Hi Ed hows it going? blimey 21000 posts lol, Suprastar indeed nice to hear from you, take care Rich
  10. Hi Tom all good? Rich
  11. Lol Cars have VIC checks; its a con, another tax if you will. It was supposedly introduced to stop ringing, vin plate raud etc, spose it does at least do that.W e dont want to sell acar to anyone that will then have problems insuring it, thats why I asked so I can tell any customer who to ring. anyone want, both with full MOTs :-) 2005 Fiat Punto - - 60K miles 1600 quids or 2004 Ford Fiesta Finesse 40k MILES 2600 quids lol Rich PS mods dont bash me lol - Im a visitor to your wonderful country :-)
  12. OK chaps lol Hi to you all; and Wile haha not really back, as I said daughters wedding in November so will stay for Xmas; then Ecuador/Costa Rica. Rich
  13. Hi there long time no see !! Sure but then who did you insure them with? and did you declare? PM me if you wish regards Rich
  14. Ello everyone no I havent bought a Supra lol back in UK for a couple of months for daughters wedding. Ifinanced the purchase of; and repair of a couple of Cat C cars to help out my broyher. It seems people who want to buy them cant get insurance? Can anyone point me towards a Company that will - btw I fully understand the categories so no need to rehash all that. cars were light damage and have valid MOT and VICS cheers Rich
  15. Hi Costa Rica does not have capybaras:( they do have Agouti which are very similar; I do have pics soon thanks all for the comments btw Rich
  16. Thanks chaps I have always loved the wild and the things in it; I would love to make a few bob at it too - you neverr know. I have many more pics to add as yet, so please stop by soon to see them. all the best Rich:)
  17. Hi Back in the UK at the moment; I take it the fratenity is alive and well; I never did see my Supra again! been in Costa Rica for another 3 months - awesome! If you would like to see pics http://www.coati.smugmug.com cheers Rich
  18. Ooops link corrected, thanks Ab Arrived safely last night after 24 hour journey via Miami. Very hot and dry; loads of birds around so expect new blog entries and pics. Please read our adventures if you can Rich
  19. Hey Darren hows it going? Hope to see another real coyote:d Hows the missus and that doggie of yours? Rich
  20. been hiding in Edinburgh for a while due to family commitments off back to jungle tomorrow at 0400. Will be blogging daily from the OSA peninsula from around March 20 for about 3 months if anyone's interested. Got a 100-400 IS Lseries Canon lens for this trip for any of you photographers. Photo Target animals this trip Jaguar Ocelot Margay Bairds Tapir Harpy Eagle Tamandua:p site and blog (non commercial) below Rich
  21. Only just seen this Congrats to you both, he's a lovely lad:) Now back to the jungle for me.... buenos suerte Rich
  22. Brysol Tint Magic Tintangel (get it?) A Tint of Passion Brysons Adventures of Tintin -sorry Rich
  23. Anyone want to make an offer for this double unit - the original Supra one - good condition and was working fine when removed Rich
  24. Ello again well isnt this UK winter fab - I dont like it lol Off back to CR in mid March for 3 months and this time going to be really wild. Going to the Osa Peninsula, SWCR where the roads are just dirt and the biodiversity incredible. Going to try to photo Harpy Eagles and will definitely see Scarlet Macaws. With very good luck might also see Jaguar (waits for car jokes) Its a tough life but someone has to do it. Will be checking out one or 2 small business opportunities I have rad about too. Will be posting live on the blog - subject to Internet availability which is likeluy to be a bit patchy. Rich
  25. Thanks I dont personally know that area -Tamarindo I will be down that way in April too but probably way down at Puerto Jiminez/Corcavado area - you will definitely have a great time hope u find blog interesting and enjoy the pics bear in mind the sites is still a littlre rough lol Rich
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