Hi- I designed a hub to suit the sup' diff- (I have pictures I'll try and post) and hub to suit the 163mm BMW Cush rubber. Then built my own prop and sent it to be balanced- I tried the 12 tooth lasered ring and sensor but it never works so it's coming off and I've bought a Yaris (I think) sensor to use as a donor rather than destroying my sup one-cos when you plug it in under the car and turn it by hand...it gives a speedo reading or I'm developing an oil bath box to mount it in and replace the cog on the end for a wheel and run it on the prop or adaptor plate and just play about with the sizes until I get an accurate reading- I will post pictures, drawings and finding if people are interested? At this point I best state I'm a machine engineer and opporate a range of machines including 2 lasers. How do I put my pictures in my profile? Oh and ABS is still an issue at the mo'
Any help would be great fully received.