Cars been running okay for the last 6 weeks now when it hasn't been raining!
Having a weird misfire splutter that comes randomly for a few pulls then goes away usually at 5 or 6k rpm, very weird. It could be fine for 20 pulls then splutter for 20mins then be fine again. Also idles high 1800rpm when at a stop, if it idles fine then it behaves, when it splutters it sits at 1800rpm.
Noticed 2 wires need repairing, one on coilpack 1 and 5:
With new plugs it didn't fix the issue
Then went to Brighton for Incarnation and it was hit and miss on the way down. But on the way home to SRD it was spot on, didn't miss a beat, Mike had a fiddle and went out for a drive and it pulled perfectly (typically!) while he was there. Got it home no bother.. other than an oil leak!
Oil return on the sump was leaking, M6 bolts were then drilled and tapped to M8
Not a bad job, drop subframe, steering rack/column and back together and running in 2.5 hours.
Wastegate pull
We are leak free! Was out all Saturday in the sun and it didn't miss a beat, then in the evening the splutter returned!
So next plan is to change all the coilpacks and see if that fixes the issue, if that doesn't then I'll change all the spark plug connectors. Other than that I can't think of anything other then letting the SRD team tinker about and investigate, but hopefully we get it fixed before then! They have been super helpful so far in helping me get to the cause and looking at logs etc.
Forecast to rain all week so won't be going anywhere anytime soon.
On the plus side it was bucketing down with rain yesterday and the car held up fine traction wise on my drive home, was so surprised how it handled the wet without ABS and TC on the back roads and M1, was going past everyone. Just shows what a difference a new suspension setup and proper alignment can do!