nearly came off my racing bicycle at 30+ mph
last night was going down a steep hill when I felt a bit of a wobble, wasn't sure if it was front or back wheel at first. Pretty quickly it was clear that it was the front - flat as a fart. So the problem was little control for hard braking but had to try stop to avoid a coming off. A bit of brake = squirm & wobble, but lots of squirm & wobble might mean coming off anyway. tyre is less than half=inch wide which means next to no stability.
Sh1tt1ing myself!
My thoughts were 'how much bleeding/whats gonna break?' and 'try jump off or stay on?' and 'road vs grass verge?' I'll own up at this point, I've never jumped off a bike in this situation so chose to stay on.
Eventually stopped at least a quarter of mile down the hill. Checked the tyre, no visible damage so tried to pump it up - no good. I knew Liz was out & my phone is at home anyway, so no pick up - had to leg it home.
Its a bit awkward walking in clip-on cycling shoes, took an hour to get home.
Well this morning put things into perspective with Dustin Hofmann's line from Rain Man ' excellent rider, yeah, yeah I'm an excellent rider, yeah ...' ;D
anybody do anything exciting last night?