Cost a lot!!
clutch and tune was on its way for £2000 with bits.
we were charged for £20 fuel on dyno.fair if it worked.
chunk out of wheel which they denied.
car would not tick over when we got it back,they never changed the air filter!!!!ie set up tuned with a blocked one.
They had it for two weeks doing this and when we picked it up it was not running,they said it just stopped and they could not fix it as other cars were booked!!we said we would be back after breakfast and wanted it.
we returned and they said there you go we wont charge you for that.
We have asked for our car to be removed from the tdi site and they ignore us!!
I ordered a polished cam cover as they were the only ones doing a complete set,spit spit,they never sent it they now dont like us
We have removed every bit of there work as the wiring was done with scotch locks.
shame could have been a good company.
I never here a lot of people on here use them ,i wonder why!!
PS this is the first time i have said anything but people who know me know what i think of them.