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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. I'll be up for going again this year
  2. Think I've found the culprit, the battery was goosed, left it on charge all night came to try it this morning still nothing, jumped it then checked with multi meter and it's charging at 14.5 volts. So bought a new battery this morning and see how that goes. Thanks for the replies
  3. It did maybe one revolution of the engine before it started clicking, but like you say with a jump it started instantly so it rules that out in my mind. The battery is flat as a pancake put it on the battery charger after the 45 minute drive and it was as far in the red as the gauge went unless the battery itself is dead
  4. Yesterday i drove back home from japfest (310 miles) all was well, came to start it this morning...and it's just clicking like it's battery is flat, jumped of the other car it started fine. Drove the car for 45 minutes but when indicating lights dim on the dash. I presume the alternator has decided to die on the way home. Or do any of you have any other ideas? Thanks
  5. Because I just paid £1000 for the all the rubbers from toyota so the paint job was £1500 plus another £1000 for the rubbers from toyota. So all in the job has cost me £2500 I didn't quite word that right in my post, most of the original rubbers would of been ok it's just I'm a fussy prick and wanted new ones.
  6. I snapped his hand off when I got the quote haha it was going to be £1000 with windows left in or £1500 for windows out but you have to factor in the £1000 for rubbers from toyota
  7. I just picked mine up yesterday from a full window out every piece taken off with new rubbers fitted all around the car exterior respray. Same colour which was 6N0 and I paid £1500 cash still got a full invoice and progress pics from throughout the job to show each stage being done and completed, I'm from cumbria way so might be cheaper than down south to begin with. But I'm over the moon with the workmanship it looks amazing
  8. I'm up for this, meet up early so we miss all the traffic
  9. I'm staying at a premiere inn at northamp ton west Harpole, so could meet up with fold near Silverstone if anyone is interested
  10. I have taken this off my TT6 because it had started slipping after I turned the boost up so replaced it with a clutch masters twin plate and lightened flywheel. Still meat on it. It's been sat in the house a few month's and the Mrs has started to twine how much do you guys think I could get for it http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv187/avs1992/20170313_152515_zpsgulzb9nz.jpg http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv187/avs1992/20170313_152528_zpsmzslettx.jpg http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv187/avs1992/20170313_152535_zpsngexwls1.jpg http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv187/avs1992/20170313_152551_zpsc6vobokf.jpg http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv187/avs1992/20170313_152559_zpsojslaorr.jpg http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv187/avs1992/20170313_152622_zpsbr6nhkb8.jpg http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv187/avs1992/20170313_152633_zpsxskcb3tg.jpg http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv187/avs1992/20170313_152633_zpsxskcb3tg.jpg
  11. Yes that would be me thanks for the part number's I'll have to give them a ring
  12. I'm not to bothered about having to buy the whole unit, just started panicking when Toyota said they can't get any....phew I'll try them thanks
  13. As I've posted in previous threads my supra is about to undergo a full respray and I'm changing all the rubbers/seals etc I've now hit a rather large problem as Toyota apparently can't get hold of any of the rubbers around the rear 3/4 windows also another issue they say it comes as one whole piece around the glass so you have to buy the glass as well as the rubber? Anyone know of somewhere I could get any? Thanks guys
  14. I know it's jolly expensive that's why I said in an earlier post it would be a lot cheaper to get it done the original colour, and my friend does high end cars and the work I've seen have been impressive so I'm happy to let him do it, if it goes wrong he has to do it again simple as haha
  15. Thanks guys think I'll go with the midnight purple 3 like I was planning, it is a TT6 so it might hurt it's value even more but I don't plan on ever getting rid of it so as most of you say who cares haha
  16. It would be a lot cheaper to get it resprayed the standard gunmetal grey, about five times the price getting it midnight purple 3 haha
  17. I'm wanting to go midnight purple 3 as I've not seen any supras in that colour
  18. Talking with a few friends about my upcoming respray on my supra, and a few of them seem to think that painting it a non oem colour will affect the value drastically. Not tjat im thinking of selling it ever but always crosses your head if you know what i mean, Do you guys agree or is this just non supra owners causing s**t
  19. Not bad really, for a laugh I asked him to price up a 2jzgte and apparently you can still get them from Toyota.......for £16000
  20. Unfortunately I've already ordered and paid for them but that's what Toyota have quoted me I'll post the invoice once the things get delivered I've only currently got a receipt with an order number on as a proof of purchase
  21. I was told that universal seals are never perfect and need bodging and cutting I'd rather just buy original and have a good fitment and always helps with its history haha
  22. I'm serious guys, just the rubber round the doors it's £460 I'll give you an individual price guide once I get the invoice most the stuff seems to have to come from japan as Toyota uk don't stock it, the front seal is still available but it's around 350
  23. I'm currently in the process of collecting all the parts I'm going to replace when it's getting resprayed, thought I'd buy genuine Toyota seals/rubbers outside trim etc to keep everything as original as possible. The price blew my face off £1700 and that's with my friends Toyota discount. I'm still trying to pick my jaw up from the floor all that money for some plastic and rubber. They're saying all parts for the supra are going through the roof at the minute so if you need anything I'd buy now before it goes completely ridiculous
  24. Me and my other half will definitely be going
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