Very well said supra_aero
I’m a NA owner, got ridiculed by certain keyboard warrior on here back in 2016, I stopped visiting the forum ever since, I hang out with a few mk4 guys quite frequently and they don’t have many positive comments about certain people on here ( NA basher and keyboard warrior). It’s insane to think that I’m a mk4 Supra owner and being ridiculed on here, because it’s a NA or don’t have enough ponies under the bonnet, not much of encouragement for any newbies who own a NA to hang around on here.
Until a week ago I’ve managed to get ( James ) LittleNum ( through my best mate ) to service my car, brilliant mechanic and very down earth guy, and Burna turned up while James was working on my car, it’s the first time we met, and I have to say it on here Burna himself is very genuine and very real. We had a brief conversation both James and Burna swayed my view about this forum, I’m not saying it because he’s a one of the MOD’s on here, to me if a person is a tw*t I wouldn’t bother to entertain them.