My misses was woken up afew weeks ago to two loud bangs at 1am, she subsequently woke me up saying she thought someone was in the house.
I got up and went downstairs (wasnt expecting much as shes quite a light sleeper and wakes up at the slightest noise) I turned the kitchen light on and noticed that i could see the supras headlights refecting back at me through the window.
The kitchens window faces the garage in the back garden and the supra resides in the garage. It suddenly dawned on me that the garage door must have been opened. I legged it outside with just my phone light and an empty champagne bottle ready to swing it and anything that moved! Luckily for them theyd already legged it and nothing was out of place.
Since then i have invested in a huge torch, baseball bat, garage door anchor, steering wheel lock and i am also about to buy some 1080p hd cameras