Hi All,
Seeing as we can't do much i'm going to try and tackle a couple niggles on the Supra
Two of the things which bother me are;
If i open the boot and remove the inside trim, if i follow my hand down behind the rear lights and a bit lower to the "boot floor" in the corners it seems to collect a bit of water after a wash/rain. I'm not sure where the water is getting in as i have checked the light seals and aerial and they appear to be fine on both sides. I'm not talking huge amounts, just a capful. Any ideas on what else to check?
The other one is the door sill, when it rains water collects on the sill when the door is closed (between the door, and the sill). It doesn't happen on the other side. This means that mucky water stains gather on the sill rather than run off anywhere, or the rest of the car dries, but when i open the door, water comes out. I believe the water collects on the roof, then runs down the A pillar outside, down through the door/front wing and i thought it was meant to run out somewhere, however it gathers. Any idea on what to check? Inside the door itself behind the door card is bone dry.
Many thanks