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Everything posted by SkyJawa

  1. I'm sooooooooooooo bored of my job theres some things I want out of this year. 1. I want my own place (again ) 2. I NEED a new job. 3. Hopefully 1+2 above is in New Zealand after I go there on hols in 3.5 weeks!
  2. Very good words mate. If 2006 doesn't make some serious shit change which I've promised myself (I have 2 major goals this year) I'll be not happy but if so then And I plan to make it if so
  3. Like I said in my post on page 6 CJ - that thread was not the time nor the place to air such views - I have more respect than that and as I said I wish them both the best. Hence me passing on my congrats. It makes no odds whether its Oxy or someone I didn't even know on that kind of thread. Not that I even know Oxy all that well, only met him a coupla times!............ Off to bed now
  4. A fair point CJ - though, and again IMHO, that thread was about him and Martin being joined and thus was not the time nor the place for this discussion and I'm sure we all wish them both the very best
  5. Without wanting to stir up a hornets nest. Well actually I don't give a feck so whatever, but having kids is something that comes from a hetrosexual male and female having sex and conceiving (in the broadest terms). If you don't want to be hetrosexual thats absolutely and completely fine - but IMHO until we become hermaphrodite's and capable of reproducing on our own without a partner you forfeit that ability when you choose your gender preference path........... As I said - IMHO, which I'm entitled to, as you are yours.
  6. Just a little niggle of mine the way this is discussed as getting married when it isn't.
  7. Normally I agree, but a few people I ain't seen in ages are coming down and its just gonna be a real catch up in a pub outside of town so fingers crossed it'll be cool
  8. Right - I've not read all this thread, the beer in me says I can't be arsed I read the first page and TBH something bugs me about the way people talk about this..... I have nothing against gay or lesbians etc at all, good luck to them - but they are not allowed to MARRY. The legislation passed allows them to form a CIVIL PARTNERSHIP. They do not get married, nor do they have a "WEDDING RECEPTION". Getting married is for hetrosexual people, and homosexual people get a partnership. Arrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh! Oh, and no, don't agree with adoption so sue me
  9. So thats what that new law was about
  10. Multiplayer defo faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar better than single player. Though they need to bring back punkbuster and the domination mode!
  11. Short straw eh? But flesh and blood and all that mate, good on ya
  12. Going down my mates local. Gonna be 13+ of us, just a nice chill out catch up evening - really looking forward to it You never said what you were doing mate?
  13. Its a bit short but I enjoyed it, but quite frankly for me its the multiplayer which does it
  14. IMHO you'll be fine with a 6600GT or above. I have a 6600GT that I bought for 120 a few months back. 256Mb DDR3 AGP card. It plays CoD with everything full, Half Life 2 runs like a dream, CoD2 runs nice and smooth too. Though smoke is a big FPS killer on CoD2. I output using DVI. My system is a P4 2.6 o/c'd to 2.9 and 1 Gig RAM.
  15. I've completed it at silver level already - plodding through the gold now. Not on Live yet though, waiting for my Premium to arrive before getting on that and flogging the core I bought!
  16. I'm not saying I don't, just saying of the remakes, DotD is my fav
  17. Ah another peanut smuggler unmasked!
  18. SkyJawa

    360'd up

    Almost completed PGR3, mostly silver medals so far, but will move onto the gold after. I did prefer PGR2 though where you had to build up to the supercar series, in this one you can work up the funds to buy them too quickly IMHO.
  19. Dawn of the Dead remake is my fav
  20. SkyJawa

    360'd up

    PDZ is good, but the controls take a bit of getting used too! £260 I bought mine off AVforums from a guy in Uxbridge for 210
  21. SkyJawa

    360'd up

    They'll be loads available after xmas now I'm not on live yet - I'm waiting for my Premium pack turn up before I sign up on that system. Just bought the core to tide me over to it arriving then I'll flog it!
  22. I'm reserving judgement - the Xmas special wasn't that good but I think it might get better, though Chris is gonna be a hard act to follow. However, the clips of the coming series with K-9 and the Cybermen back could be ace
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