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Everything posted by SkyJawa

  1. Thats what my sis and bro-in-law did. The picked up a 3 double bed place in Tongham for less than 170k. It was a dump, and not livable in due to the state of the inside. It had been on the market for months. They bought it, completely gutted it, I took a week off and we fitted a new kitchen and bathroom. New carpets throughout etc - its now worth shed loads more! I think this is one of the few ways to actually buy something decent but it is a lot of work.........
  2. The same diff that puts you in a hedge too It was known to be not the best of cars to drive - very grabby. The ST whupped its ass around the 'ring..............
  3. I always liked the look of the RS Was gonna get one years ago bought a Scooby instead coz I was fed up waiting for Ford to decide when they were releasing it.
  4. Amen James - I've thought this for a while now. I work in IT, not a bad wage (compared to what others must be on in other kinds of jobs) in the SE and I can't even afford a 1 bed studio around here, I'd need to move 100 miles away to get even a bit more affordable. The UK sucks. Looking into emmigrating to NZ at the moment.
  5. Yeah it was the fastback 5 door version in that shape 1998-2001ish IIRC..... Also with engines that can't pull the skin off a riced pud.
  6. The police have laid no blame on the driver as yet and hinted it was black ice, he/she didn't have a chance. They are not prosecuting either unless that follows but from the sounds of it won't - does that not say something? I've seen first hand what its like to hit black ice at just 20mph And another point is also that the temp was NOT below 0. It HAD got down to -1.4 during the night by this point it was day and above freezing......
  7. He was driving on a road that had been gritted by the council at 5:30pm the night before. How many of us would therefore assume the road would be fairly safe and free of ice bearing in mind it had been gritted an only dropped to -1.4C...... Its a terrible accident, nothing more, and if anything the council should get equal grief for not fully gritting the road properly
  8. Apparently thats where the rads for the car are.............
  9. SkyJawa

    Big Bro

    I wouldn't call it extremist - more like drinkfuelled......... Still think it stands though
  10. SkyJawa

    Big Bro

    Ah thank gawd there are other normal people out there who also think its a load of tosh!!! Have to agree to all the comments said! LOL @ Shafs housemates with no life
  11. HL2 is superb but not up to HL1 OMHO story wise. Also pretty linear but the graphics are sweet. As an FPS I still like CoD (but thats prob my WW2 fascination!) and for a console FPS, Halo rules................
  12. SkyJawa

    X Box

    Xbox 360 is out now, hows a fiver?
  13. SkyJawa

    Big Bro

    Who really gives a fucking shite and watches this crap thats been on 5 years too long? Shite TV utter shite. Only ever part watched the 1st one. Reality TV is from people with no better ideas. Thank you and good night
  14. lads I grew up through that era, it doesn't matter how flash a games graphics are its the playabilty that matters! Sonic on the Megadrive is still one of my fav games ever! Still got a boxed BBC Pong game with paddle controllers, and a gamegear and a megadrive, mega CD and menacer lightgun! LOL - those were the days. Kids don't know how good they've got it now!
  15. I bought a 256ddr3 AGP 6600GT for my P4 2.6 (running 2.9) and 1GB ram. That plays everything nicely enough for me, so I'd imagine 2 would be quite good! Not sure how 2 of them to 1 6800 would compare though
  16. looks like its sagged at the side!
  17. Not sure if the spec is up to it! http://www.dell.com/html/us/products/ces/index.htm
  18. Its fine - carry on! And yeah Ravenholm could be described as "atmospheric" LMAO
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