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Everything posted by mc92

  1. I don't suppose anyone has a facelift windscreen they'd like to get rid of? I'm not looking to spend megabucks because I can get one on the insurance but I'd rather not deal with their lazy technicians that don't show up or their idiotic call centres.
  2. Sills, top of windscreen, and boot seal are the main issues. I'll get some pictures at the weekend if you really want to see Yeah that's what I figured when I posted to the forum, but I was hoping to find somewhere a bit closer.
  3. I'm thinking about getting my car sprayed, it's gone rusty. I've tried two different bodyshops so far and I'm getting pissed off because it's rerusted in the same places both times. Will need glass out + some welding. Does anyone know anyone around Cambridge who knows what they're doing?
  4. Don't like it personally but I'm not a fan of extremely wide bodykits in general.
  5. mc92

    E10 fuel question

    I use it in my NA sometimes, it doesn't run any different than it does on 99 and doesn't get any better MPG (I've recorded mpg a bunch of times and it's 21 regardless of fuel). Probably more important for turbo cars as others have said.
  6. Good. I think the reasoning is that people won't listen to lockdown restrictions over Chrismas because of the flagrant breaking of last years by Dear Leader and his colleagues. The soonest they can do it from a political perspective is January, and I wouldn't be surprised if they do, however I think it's already far too late and omicron is far too contagious for a lockdown to make a meaningful difference on case numbers.
  7. Reading tea-leaves if it's as accurate as the other SAGE models.
  8. I'm just following The Science: https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-boris-johnson-over-reacting-to-omicron-and-creating-hysteria-south-african-doctor-dr-angelique-coetzee-says-12495876 Note that 13% of people in South Africa have HIV, and only 30% of their population have been vaccinated, putting them in a far worse situation than us. If it's not a big deal there I'm questioning why it's a big deal here. You'll note that the single reported death in the UK was "with" omicron, not "of" omicron. It's carefully worded. There's simply no need to jump straight into the ad-hominems and paint me as some kind of antivax lunatic just because I've come to a conclusion based on publically available information. I know political tribalism makes people very angry about inconsequential things, but we should all try to be above that and debate each other in a civil manner.
  9. Alright cheers I'll try that and see if it happens again
  10. Firefox, the only extensions I can see which may affect it are 'duckduckgo privacy essentials' and 'i don't care about cookies'. But I've already accepted the cookie popup from this site so the latter shouldn't affect it.
  11. I keep having to clear cache almost every time I visit the site because the comment box keeps disappearing. What's going on?
  12. MPs have voted today for "plan B". I guess the christmas-party distraction-variant was excuse enough. A variant so terrifying and dangerous that it has killed 0 people worldwide. Papieren bitte! https://news.sky.com/story/covid-news-live-close-contacts-now-required-to-take-daily-tests-as-mps-prepare-to-vote-on-plan-b-restrictions-12469075
  13. I think at this point now that everyone who wants one has had a vaccine, and most of those who don't have gained immunity through infection, it's time to stop worrying. If someone is still scared of or threatened by coronavirus, it's on them to stay at home, get a booster, wear their mask etc. Leave the rest of us alone. At some point the negative effects on young people outweigh the benefit of giving an 85 yearold an extra 3 months in the nursing home. But pfizer and the newspapers have to make their money, so it'll keep going as long as they can keep people interested. Some interesting links: https://atis.substack.com/p/no-masks-do-not-cut-covid-incidence https://www.euronews.com/next/2021/12/01/cancer-in-europe-the-devastating-impact-of-covid-on-diagnosis-and-treatment-country-by-cou And on the new scary name variant: https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-most-omicron-cases-are-mild-and-theres-no-evidence-to-suggest-vaccines-may-be-less-effective-against-the-variant-says-who-12483729
  14. I think it's just clipped into the metal cage on top of the abs ecu (or whatever that other box is). Should be fairly easy to remove.
  15. That's good to know. I've owned the car for 5 years and only just noticed
  16. I had the blower fan on maximum to clear the mist off the windscreen this morning and I noticed it is lower at idle and reaches full speed at about 2000 engine rpm. I only just noticed today because my radio is broken so I can hear the fan lol. Is this normal or is something breaking?
  17. mc92

    W58 or R154 box

    Not in the budget at the moment mate. Maybe in a few more months By then the second hand ones will be on eBay for more than brand new ones. A little bit before I made this thread I saw multiple used ones on eBay for <1500. I wonder who is hoarding them all.
  18. mc92

    W58 or R154 box

    Bump back from holiday
  19. mc92

    W58 or R154 box

    Bump - I should mention that I'm looking for just a gearbox, not a kit (since everyone that's contacted me so far has had conversion kits!)
  20. mc92

    W58 on ebay

    Damn I've been looking for one for ages.
  21. mc92

    W58 on ebay

    Did you have a link? The only one I see when I search is from an A70.
  22. That's one theory yes, but where did the previous universe come from? Or the one before that? ad infinitum. I can't really accept the concept that it doesn't have a beginning somewhere.
  23. Yeah existence is ultimately pointless. I think that's why people came up with religion. I liked watching some of his other space shows, they were interesting so I will give this one a try soon. There are a lot of things that I can't get my head around, like where the universe came from and how there could be nothing beforehand. Maybe we will find out one day.
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