Thanks for the comments
My primary reason for getting rid of the spoiler was that the first thing everyone said when the saw the car was "That's a huge spoiler". When I took it off to see what it was like, I liked it. I think it looks classier, lower and wider (not that I've become a spoiler hater - I still love the veilside and TRD). It's good to change
The front wheel arch I don't really get - I keep meaning to measure them as the 18's totally fill the back and look tiny in the front! I can't really lower the front as I have clearance issues as it is (I get a nice scrape/crunch every time I reverse out of my steep driveway ). What about 20's at the front and 18's at the back
I'm very pleased with the car at the moment. I've got clear indicators coming and a couple of scratches to sort out - then I'm not doing anything for a while.
No really