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Everything posted by Grazer

  1. It's great sticking on the passenger heated seat and watching their face as they wonder wether they've pissed themselves
  2. It's a 1993 850 SE. The cap and pipe are standard with all models. Incidentally, I think I could fit at least 3 bodies in the boot......
  3. I don't bloody think so. But for £600 I've got a lot of car for less cash than I was spending on the Supra every month! Feel free to rip me to pieces - I bought it because it made me laugh, and no other car I saw for less than a grand did that
  4. Really sorry to hear this H Where were you parked? The only vandalism I've had was at the Southern - that's sunny Govan for you Hope you get it sorted without too much hassle.
  5. It's OK - I've vented some of my anger! Think I'll turn off the PC and go and watch election crap to get me to sleep.
  6. The newbie's me. I don't mind atall the spoiler comments (which is off now) or the 3-spoke comments. But they're so full of shit "It looks like a bargain slow Supra". Just annoying when I'm about to part with her anyway.
  7. Click here Feel free to tell them what a bunch of twats they are - I find myself unable to reply as all I really want to do is kick the crap out of their 17yr old dad's-mondeo-driving faces and I can't muster the literary equivilant.
  8. Just concentrate on the straight line first
  9. I don't have a compressor. Would a garage or bodyshop be able to do it?
  10. Fantastic - cheers Chris These tools - I have heard of some but definitely do not own any What kind of place should I be looking for that would have an air grinder?
  11. Ok - this thing is not shifting. I've given up on the plastic tool (right size) as it's beginning to chew and I need it for the other wheels. I can't get a pipe wrench big enough - it's a 73mm nut I got one of those chain wrench things and after beginning to chew the nut up I applied so much pressure that the tool broke This thing is STUCK! The other problem is the movement of the plate it's meant to secure is beginning to damage the nice newly powder-coated wheel I'm thinking I'll need to destroy the nut and try to find a replacement - but I don't want to damage the wheel. Any suggestions? I'm close to attacking it with a sledgehammer. I need help.
  12. Thanks for the comments My primary reason for getting rid of the spoiler was that the first thing everyone said when the saw the car was "That's a huge spoiler". When I took it off to see what it was like, I liked it. I think it looks classier, lower and wider (not that I've become a spoiler hater - I still love the veilside and TRD). It's good to change The front wheel arch I don't really get - I keep meaning to measure them as the 18's totally fill the back and look tiny in the front! I can't really lower the front as I have clearance issues as it is (I get a nice scrape/crunch every time I reverse out of my steep driveway ). What about 20's at the front and 18's at the back I'm very pleased with the car at the moment. I've got clear indicators coming and a couple of scratches to sort out - then I'm not doing anything for a while. No really
  13. Just got my alloys powdercoated and I've run into problems getting the big nut on. Not sure what I mean? - have a look at the pic. I've got a plastic tool for tightening/loosening, but I can't get enough torque with it. I think there may have been a flake of powder coating stuff on the thread and as I tightened the nut it has been forced into the thread and now it wont tighten or loosen. Any suggestions of what I could use? I'm going to be buggered if I get a flat
  14. Here's the list of what I've been up to in the last few weeks Veilside spoiler removed (for sale soon) Boot holes filled and sprayed Bonnet insulation removed Goodridge stainless steel brake lines fitted Brake calipers and drums painted silver Brake fluid flush with Dot5.1 fluid Super Advans powder-coated Front number plate replaced These aren't great pics but I couldn't wait Now - I don't want to hear any 3-spoke comments. I know they're not to everyone's taste, but £160 to get new looking alloys is all I can afford right now!
  15. I used to cycle to work, but after my son was born I decided it would be a bit shit to die just so I could be a bit healthier and produce a tiny bit less CO2. This country is not set up for cycling at all. I save it for cycle tracks now.
  16. I fcuking knew this would happen Just phoned the alloy shop to ask what time I could pick up my rims - they said Monday Apparently the stuff they normally use to strip alloys didn't do a good enough job, so they need to order somehing else. Started giving it a sob story about how they were going to be out of pocket because of it. Sounds like shite to me. So I wont be able to make it on Sunday - sorry guys - I was really looking forward to this We'll need to arrange another Crail day soon.
  17. They're not always the quickest at delivering but usually manage to get a good price.
  18. Is that the price for the first year? I paid that for a year then it went up to £25. I'm thinking of phoning and threatening to move to see if they offer me the discount again!
  19. I just keep mine on vibrate. The ringtones are all crap, and they're not loud enough to hear when you're out and about. I love the GLC song intro "...that's the theme to bullseye..."
  20. Oooh - just got 2057.5 Kbps Maybe I'll stay
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