I decided to take the complete rear axle off mainly because of the mounting bushes.
I have read that drifting chews them up so opted for the Powerflex Black Series mounting bushes.
I forgot how crap it is to do this job with no press.
Ahh well, Blow Torch with a touch of brute force and ignorance it is then,
Works every time,
New bushes went in a treat once it had cooled enough to clean,
Diff welding time was next, seing as the cover is off for bushing.
Drained the Oil, cleaned any excess off with Petrol and burnt off what was left,
Filled the diff with water so the spatter doesnt stick to any internals.
Grabbed the Welder and got to it, managed not to burn my legs in the process,
Left it to cool overnight, drained the water out and other bits.
Filled it up with new Oil, sealed up, job done