Well, not so much of an update, but my Stainless ARP Bolts arrived today to secure the Throttle Bodies to the manifold
I will test fit one later to see how they fair up...
In other news, I have put a deposit down on a low mileage W58 Gearbox and Prop (From Supraleeturbo) which I should see in the next few weeks.
In the meantime, the car is coming off the road and will be stripped of all Auto box parts (Some of which are for sale here)
I wont be getting the pedal boxes, seing as they are hard to come by nowadays, but i will be looking to modify the brake pedal, and fit a single pedal box from OBP to cover the Clutch operation,
The induction system will be coming off too to make way for test fitting the ITB setup when ready.